“Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.” Psalm 113:1
This morning I came to Psalm 113 in my reading. I was tired, had a busy schedule before me and was unhappy with some things that had occurred. The day looked bleak from a human perspective. So, I chose to look up and away to the Lord, to get His perspective, to remember what He is like and what He does.
Verse seven of Psalm 113 especially spoke to me: “He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap….” That perspective turned my day into a much better one.
You reminded me, Lord, that although I am poor and needy, stranded in the dust and dirt of this world, you are going to do some “lifting up” for me today. This immediately encouraged my spirit and gave me a tangible hope for a positive day with you.
In you, Lord, we have a powerful God. I just marvel at the way you used your Word to empower me with the kind of encouragement and uplift I needed. Our part is to take the time to look and listen, and you certainly will meet us with what we need to hear.
Praise be to you, Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. Glory be to you for your goodness, greatness and grandeur. We are your children and as such are not to view life as being only a series of small, everyday events.
We need to have the bigger picture, to remember that you have involved us in your great and grand scheme to redeem, release and re-form the universe. Keep this grand vision ever before us to give us perspective for the day and help us to fulfill our responsibilities as a part of this great plan.
You, Lord God, are wise and loving, patient and perfect, powerful and persistent. We can trust you as you strongly sweep us up in your arms, your family, your plans, your purpose. You are moving history to a conclusion and taking us with you and we praise you for it!
Prayer: “Help us today to see the unseen, to live in the invisible, to think by faith, praising you, Lord God, in and for all things, for you are worthy of such praise. May we listen, grasp and respond to what your Word tells us. Amen.” –Edified!