“The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.” Psalm 103:19
Praise be to you, O Mighty King, for you are the Ultimate Power, the Greatest Authority, the Final Judge, the Eternal Sovereign, the Lamb upon the throne.
Your power is beyond comprehension, extending from pre-time to post-time, stretching from one side of the universe to the other—and beyond.
You hold sway over all, from the magnificent clusters of galaxies filling the great expanse of the universe, stretching billions of light years across, right down to the sub-atomic parts of your creation, dealing with every detail, while at the same time allowing us to make real ethical and moral choices.
Being completely different from every part of your creation, you tower over every other being in wisdom, might, ability, character, accomplishment and authority. No other power, strength or force can ever overcome you. “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord” (Pro. 21:30).
You deserve praise, O Lord God; you deserve worship from all. “Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts.
When your awesome angels appear in their glory before men, humans are struck with fear, awe, panic and quaking in their hearts; men fall to the ground, unable to stand in the presence of these mighty beings. So impressive are the angels that John, who knew Jesus intimately, was moved to worship one and was stopped only by the angel himself, who worshiped the only One truly worthy of worship: You.
These members of the heavenly host are far greater, far more glorious, far more powerful than we are, but they, too, bow before and praise the Most High One: You, the Lord God, King of Heaven and earth, Ruler of all. You, O Yahweh-Elohim are worthy of their worship—and ours. Help us to worship in word, work and in wonder at your marvelous acts in our lives.