“It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night….”
Psalm 92:1,2
The greatest reason for giving thanks is YOU yourself, Lord: you are full of compassion, you are gracious, “longsuffering and plenteous in mercy and truth” (Ps. 86:15). “You are good and ready to forgive and overflowing with mercy to all who call on you” (Ps. 86:5). “Among the gods there is none like you, neither are there any works like yours. All the nations whom you have made will come before you and worship you, O Lord, and give glory to your name. For you are great and do wonderous things; you are God alone!” (Ps. 86:8-10).
- You are the God of power: speaking the stars into existence, gathering them into galaxies, forming the solar system, making sure the earth was in the proper orbit, tilt and spin. You spoke all the creatures into existence except for man, whom you formed out of dust.
- You are the God of faithfulness, promising a Savior in the garden, selecting Abraham, protecting his line and bringing out the Messiah at exactly the right time.
- You are the God of wisdom, able to weave history together, using even the evil of men and devils to accomplish your purpose.
- You are the God of knowledge, present everywhere, being aware of all that is happening, even before it comes to pass.
- You are the God of goodness, constantly pouring out your gifts on your undeserving and twisted creation: sun, rain, winter, summer, night and day, crops and animals, gems and metals.
- You are the God of wonders, having fashioned us marvelously, giving us our hands and feet, eyes and ears. You have designed the brain and nervous system, the heart and the circulatory system, our lymph and digestive systems. You gave us our ability to think, plan, choose and obey.
- You are the God of grace, giving all a second, third and many other chances to believe. You give blessing to those who curse you, do good to those who oppose you, offer forgiveness those who hate you.
- You are the God of kindness, working in your enemies to draw them into your family, rescuing them from the dominion of darkness and bringing them into the Kingdom of Light.
- You are the Lord of love, rejoicing in each of your children, looking at what is good and pure and lovely and praiseworthy rather than on our rebellion, selfishness and pride.
- You are the God of patience, working consistently in spite of our resistance and selfishness, working persistently through our pride and unbelief to transform each member of your family into the image of Christ.
- You are the God of eternity with no beginning, no ending, no growing, no diminishing, no change; you are the same total perfection yesterday, today and forever.
- You are the God of righteousness, shining your glory over all your creation, giving light to those in darkness, sight to the blind, joy to the sad and peace to the tormented.
- You are marvelous, magnificent, majestic and mighty. Truly, to you belongs all glory and honor and praise, forever and ever.
Prayer: “May you be glorified in my life today through thanksgiving resulting in trust, faith, praise and obedience to your marvelous Word. Amen.”