More Meditation Fruits

More Meditation Fruits

As I continue to memorize and meditate on your rich and powerful Word, Lord, you continue to transform my being. There is a growing grasp of your great supply of significance and honor, poured out upon me every day.
There is an ongoing, deep, transformation that flows from basking in the truth that I am yours, that I am with you, treasured by you, delighted in by you, invited to join you in your mighty purposes; that you freely and consistently give me worth, belonging and competence.
There is also an ongoing shift away from the fear of man to a fear of God: a desire to please you and a corresponding ability reject what people think, to be free from their disapproval, their denigration. Your approval is enough to rest in, live in, die in.
Another aspect of this is a better grasp of the joy of being weak, the opportunity to trust you to work where I am without influence, leverage or power. If I want adventure, trusting you in my weakness is it!
This, combined with the daily reminder that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil, brings me a changed perspective of those who oppose me: a compassionate, positive view , even a warmth as I think about them.
What a change you are bringing in my being through meditating on your Word, Lord. This is certainly a foretaste of heaven. This is your bringing me out into an ever more spacious place, into growing freedom, into a greater joy. Glory be to you for these changes that carry me forward in every area of my life.
I praise you for what you are going to do today, Lord, as you orchestrate the flow of events, protecting and exposing as you know is best. I praise you for the negative feelings that may come: frustration, a sense of uselessness, the perception of failure in my plans, anger, impatience and a feeling of worthlessness.
Each of these is an opportunity to think Truth, to surrender to you, to praise you, a chance to use negatives as a stimulus to respond with a positive I’ve memorized from your Word, to be a glory-giver rather than a glory-stealer.
I praise you for what you will lead me to accomplish and for what you will block. Before anything happens today, I give you glory now, Lord Jesus, trusting in your Great, Good, Glorious and Gracious character.