” Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues”
It seems that more than ever we are inundated with a flood of lies from the media, politicians, educationists, causes and even religious organizations. We need your wisdom, Lord, to discern what is true so we can join you in it.
And you promise to give it: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not; and it shall be given him” James 1:5.
In addition, in the flood of lies that flows toward us every day, you give us the comfort of your presence, your power and persistence, knowing that you are going to use all this to bring about the end of history while sweeping as many as possible into your Kingdom.
Praise be to you that we can take shelter in your Truth. We can rest in your perfect and beautiful integrity of character, of word and of action. We can rest on your promises, act on your principles and trust in your precepts.
Praise be to you,
the Mighty,
and Good God
who will carry us through the events of today,
giving plenty of protection,
more than enough grace to deal with whatever comes, sufficient guidance to navigate the obstacles,
overflowing love to encourage us
and continual insight to make good choices.
Prayer: “Help me to live in the light of your truth today, Lord, discerning the lies within and without, and rejecting them for your reality. So may you be glorified in my life. Amen.”