Psalm 120:2

Psalm 120:2

Hello! After spending some wonderful days in Stuttgart with Nat, Abby and our grandchildren (who remembered us fondly after an absence of 3 years!), we are now in central Germany visiting one of our l disciples from the country where we worked. It was a strenuous 4 drive here through a snowstorm and up over a high mountain, but we arrived safely. We praise God for His protection and goodness!
————————–Today’s devotional:
“Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues” (Ps. 120:2).
The passing of history does not change the reality of your answering this prayer. As with David, so we are also surrounded by lying lips: Hindus, Buddhists, JWs, Mormons, liberals, leftists, communists, fascists, socialists, capitalists, main line churches, Madison Ave, politicians, used car dealers, educators–and ourselves.
You, Lord God, are the only One who always speaks the Truth, for you are Truth itself. In you there is no lie, no deceit, no half-truth, no cover-up, no denial of reality, no deception. You are Light and Truth, Love and Life.
Your written Word is totally trustable. I praise you for the unshakable wonder of your written revelation—40 authors over 1200 years, without contradiction or error. Truth poured out on the page, reality clearly portrayed.
In you we have truth to protect us, plus you are active to save us from the attacks of men and devils: “they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse” (Ps. 62:4).
Praise you that you deliver us from such lies, starting with reforming our own lips: I so readily lie to myself, declaring such things as, “This is awful, I can’t stand it!” when the reality is, “This is uncomfortable, unexpected and I don’t like it, but with God’s grace I can move through it.”
With the media we should learn to ask ourselves, “What’s the lie in this ad or article?” And doing the same with the statements of people, from the merchant to the politician, from the educator to the religious leader, be it Main line to Mormon.
We ask you, Lord, for wisdom to discern what is of the world, the flesh and the devil so we can reject it. And we need your wisdom to discern what is true so we can join you in it.
Picture: truth shining in a broken world.
May be an image of body of water, nature and tree