More wisdom from Psalm 103

More wisdom from Psalm 103

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Another good word from Psalm 103
The Lord is “…slow to anger, abounding in love” (Ps. 103:8b).
You, Lord God, are patient, working with your stubborn, rebellious, obstinate creatures over long periods of time.
With Abraham, you endured his fear of Pharaoh, his listening to his wife’s cultural urgings, his repeated failures; you waited and taught, taught and waited. In the end, Abraham trusted you completely, being willing to offer his only son, the promised son, and became the spiritual father of faith for us all.
With Jacob, you promised him all but he did not believe you. So, you patiently waited while he manipulated, twisted and turned everything to what he thought was his advantage. You gently wrestled with him through his whole life, for 137 years, and in the end, he finally bowed before you in worship. You are slow to anger, your love abounds, it is immeasurable, it is ever flowing.
Praise be to you,
Great God,
our Lavish Lord,
the King of Kindness,
Commander of Compassion,
God of Grace,
Lord of Love,
Revealer of Reality,
Provider of Patience,
Teller of Truth,
Redeemer of rebels—for you are worthy.
Prayer: “To you be glory and honor in my life today, Lord God, the compassionate, gracious and patient One. I bow before you in adoration, I rise up to obey you in love. Guide me in doing all in your wisdom and power today. Amen.”
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