Ours is a God of Details

Ours is a God of Details

Praise you, Lord, for your good and gracious guidance yesterday in the buying of the tickets for our next trip (it took a number of tries before we could get the website to work, and in each failure there was a new insight). Praise you, Lord that you can use such technological failures and difficulties to protect us from making wrong decisions.  The last such glitch was that my credit card was not accepted, and it turns out that the bank’s computer didn’t read the note that I live overseas and would be making many purchases there, so don’t flag my card as being subject to fraud—no, the computer missed that and shut my card off.  And that failure made us pause, reconsider and make other decisions about days to fly.  Praise you for your attention to such details.  I give you glory for your wisdom, your care, your attention to tiny things we aren’t aware of, your goodness in so many ways. As Psalm  33 says:

13 “From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind;”  [you see every single one of us, not as a mass, but as individuals, you know each one’s name, you know our thoughts and our words before we speak them.  You pay close attention to all in our lives.]

Psa 33:14 “from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—“ [You watch every single person; your ability to see, hear, interact with and love over 6 billion people at the same instant is amazing, unbelievable, incomprehensible.  You are an awesome God!]

Psa 33:15 “he who forms the hearts of all,” [You formed the heart of each individual, one at a time, you work to draw them to yourself, one at a time, you died for each, you paid the penalty for each, you call each, knowing that many will choose not to come–such pain that must give your heart.]
“who considers everything they do.” [Every single thing I do you examine, you notice, you think about: brushing my teeth, thinking lustful thoughts, being impatient, saying a kind word, being proud, responding humbly—you not only see, but you think about, evaluate, mull over, weigh each act.  Again, that you can do this for over 6 billion people all at the same time—this is beyond comprehension and shows how great, how mighty, how amazingly wonderful you are.

Words fail me, comprehension fails me, understanding fails me—you truly are God, the One who is worthy of worship, worthy of belief, of faith, of trust, of obedience.  I must bow before you, reject my trust in my puny, microscopic, feeble, ignorant, foolish self, and put my trust in you, in your wide wisdom, in your complete comprehension, your lustrous light, your pure perception, your noble knowledge, your deep delight in your undeserving children.  May you be honored, glorified, exalted and lifted up in my life today; may I follow your leading, not mine.  May your heart be delighted with my obedience, which can only come with your grace and goodness at work in me. To you be glory today.