Provision of Patience

Provision of Patience

From EDIFIED! Written in 2010
“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him…”
Psalm 37:5a
You, Lord God, are great and strong, wise and firm as you wonderfully guide and direct all for us. Thank you for your careful, precise, powerful and loving ordering of things in our lives.
Praise you, Lord for your great work in my life so that last Sunday morning when I missed our exit on our way to speak in a church, my reaction was one of grace: no impatience, no complaining, no grouchiness, just a quiet rest in your grace!
This is your doing in my life, teaching me to take up the patience you have provided for me. (“His divine power has given us all things necessary for Life and Godliness.” 2 Pet. 1:3). Living in your patience is exactly the opposite of what is natural for me!
And you showed yourself faithful to orchestrate things for us in this. After driving the 10 miles to the next exit, turning around and coming back, we got to the church at the same time as the church leader who unlocked the door for us! Right on time.
Then I found I’d forgotten the power cord for my computer, even though, just before leaving home I’d prayed, “Lord help me to remember anything else I should take.” Nothing had come to mind.
So when I noticed that the cord was missing and thoughts of worry began to come (“Will the battery hold out for both the computer and projector?”), I could reprove myself by saying, “No, the Lord guided and He will provide. It will last as long as is needed.”
Peace came and in the end, the computer’s battery lasted the whole time, no problem. Praise be to you, Lord, for what you gave: the direction, the peace, the power and the good outcome. To remember your goodness and to trust in you is good!
Prayer: “Lord, today things will come which I won’t like. Help me to greet them with praise and thanksgiving, to lay down my understanding of things and to embrace the truth of your love and power being at work in the situation, remembering that you have a plan and will work it out well. Amen.”
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