Blessed is the man whose “delight is in the law of the LORD,” Psalm 1:2
[If you delight in something, that is what your mind goes to when it is free. I remember delighting in my future wife–I was working, but my mind kept going to her! And I delight in the beauty around me, as in the picture below.
So it should be with God’s Word. When I awake in the night, it is my habit to meditate on Scripture , to delight in what I’ve memorized, which often puts me back to sleep!
Here’s what I say to the Lord about His Word.
Your Word is so delightful, Lord, so full of rich
Glimpses of your Majesty,
Insights into Your marvelous Character,
Demonstrations of your Might,
Revelations of your Holiness,
Displays of your Wisdom,
Insights into your Grace,
Announcements of your righteous Wrath against sin.
Your Word has all that we need to know about you and how to live. It is deep, powerful, revealing and convicting. “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb. 4:12).
As we delve into it, you use it to delve into us, convicting us of the next sin we need to repudiate.
As we dig in through memorization and meditation, you lead us on an endless discovery of gems of wisdom and treasures of truth. These make our lives rich and spiritually powerful,
leading us to being:
Wholehearted worshipers,
Grace receivers,
And grace givers;
–all of which leads to more delighting in your Word.
It is not hard to delight in your Word–we just need to spend time there and divest ourselves of the taste for the ashes of the world, acquiring a taste for the rich, heady fare of your Truth!.
Help us, Lord, to delight regularly in your Word so that we may be transformed into your likeness, thinking your thoughts, obeying your commands, honoring you.