“and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2
[To internalize your Word , Lord,by memorizing and meditating on it, is wonderful. It is a marvelous privilege to be permeated with your Truth, to think as you do, to set our hearts and minds on things above, to be able to say “Whom have I in heaven but you, and earth has nothing I desire besides you.” (Ps. 73:25).
To meditate on your Word day and night results in having a Teflon-like cover for our mind and heart, coating them with Truth, so the mud of the world does not stick, and is daily washed away by the water of the Word.
When we memorize, personalize and pray through your Word, the Holy Spirit works powerfully to transform, to undo and redo, to break and reshape us in the image of Christ. He opens our eyes to new things, He replaces human thought with His thoughts, natural responses with supernatural ones, selfishness with God-centeredness, greed with worship.
Lord, to have your Word in my mind through memorization, in my heart through personalizing it, in my will through praying it—this means that all through the day I can think on your Word, measure my motives, my thoughts and my words by it, reject what is natural, choose what is of you.
Praise be to you for the great privilege of meditation on your Word, thereby
living with,
walking with,
and working with
the King of Creation,
the Lord of Love,
the God of Goodness.
I praise you, I exalt you, I glorify you. May you be magnified in my life today so that people will also meet you when they meet me and that you may be more honored.]
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