Psalm 16:3 “As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.”
[You, Heavenly Father, made us saints when we were born again. You qualified us to be partakers in the Kingdom of Light, you rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of your beloved Son. And you have made us glorious in Jesus, giving us His righteousness. Therefore you delight in us, despite what we are naturally—rebellious, unbelieving, selfish and proud.
You have made us new creations in Christ, welcomed with joy into your presence where we are delighted in, rejoiced over and treasured. In you we can rest securely, knowing that you have accepted us fully, finally, faithfully. In you alone we are safe, for safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of Jesus.]
Psalm 16:4 “The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods.”
[Every other god is false–the gods of every religion, along with the gods of comfort, power, materialism, politics and business, sex and entertainment, getting my way and controlling others.
Each one is an illusion and leads only to disappointment, bondage, oppression and darkness—the opposite of what you bring, Lord, for you are Light, Love and Life, you bring freedom, joy and peace as well as grace, greatness and goodness. You are the opposite of all other gods, you are the only One worthy of worship.]
“I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips.”
[I must avoid involvement in any way with these other gods, not making them gods in my life but using those that can be positive in a proper way.
I must not offer them, as gods, any acknowledgement or worship, time or affection; I must not put any hope in them. I must not give them any credence or credit, but look only to you, Lord Jesus, the Creator, Sustainer and Ender of all, the only true Hope there is.
May praise for you be the keynote of my life today, may the darkness of complaining and discontent, grumbling and negativeness be swept away in the brightness of your presence so that you may have more glory before both the invisible hosts and visible folks.]
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