Psalm 16:5

Psalm 16:5

Psalm 16:5 “LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;”
[All I have comes from you, O Holy God: my position, my provision, my protection, my portion. And what you give is good. This includes my body, my brains, my boundaries, my bonds, my bounty; whatever they appear to be from a human perspective, they are good and I will praise you for them.]
“you have made my lot secure.”
[You, Lord, are the God of power and authority. Only you can give security: whatever you choose to protect will be untouched by the enemy; whenever you allow an attack, it will be used for good, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
I can rest in your glorious and endless perfection, knowing you will weave all into your great plan for the end of sin, of evil and time, while sweeping as many as possible into your Kingdom.
To you be glory and honor today, Lord. May praise and thanksgiving continually well up in my mind and spill off my lips. May the light of your love shine from my being, may you be lifted up in my actions and reactions, my attitude and speech. I thank you now for your provision for today.]
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