Psalm 17:7

Psalm 17:7

Psalm 17:7 “Show the wonder of your great love,
[Yours, Lord Jesus, is a love far richer and deeper, more committed than even David could know in his time. He was not able to see your great plan to move through immense suffering–spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and volitionally–which you were willing to endure because of you love for your rebellious creatures. To say your love is wonderful is a woefully inadequate statement! Praise you for your immeasurable, mighty, all-encompassing, all consuming compassion]
“you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.”
[Your right hand, the hand of honor, is powerful and adequate to save us in any danger. You, Lord Jesus, are our sure Refuge, our high Tower, our mighty Rock, our righteous Redeemer and sufficient Savior who is every watching over us.
We must, however, run to you and take shelter in that refuge. We are called to partnership with you and need to actively join you so you can do your promised part.
I praise you, Lord God, that you, in your immense might, your persistent power, your notable knowledge of all and your pervasive presence, can never be defeated.
No one can trick you, fool you or get around you. Therefore, you are fully able to protect us, to bring us through whatever events you allow and bring us down your green path and out into the wide and pleasant place you have prepared, into the green pastures of your pleasure.
We praise you now for what you will do today in protecting us, preparing all for us and providing what we need. May we live in the light of this truth and rest in you, no matter what comes.]
May be an image of nature, tree and grass