Psalm 17:8

Psalm 17:8

Psalm 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of your eye;”
[This, Lord God, is how you view each of your children, the object of your illogical, unbelievable love. To you we are special, unique, wonderful and dearly loved. By you we are delighted in, doted on and deeply cared for.
You chose us, you cleansed us from our sin and guilt, you called us into your arms, you claimed us as your children, you commissioned us to special service and you cherish us wholeheartedly with joy.
Jesus made an amazing statement in John 15:9, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” This is an astounding, ground-shaking, worldview-shifting announcement. If we grasp this in ongoing depth, it will change our whole lives, resulting in us “being filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:16-19).
And how does God the Father love Jesus the Son?
He loves Him enthusiastically and Eternally,
wholeheartedly, willingly, widely,
without equivocation without reservation, without interruption,
without any doubts, without remorse,
joyfully, jubilantly and justly,
positively, purposefully and powerfully,
constantly, creatively and consistently,
warmly, wonderfully, wildly,
fully, forcefully and forever.
Most foundationally, the Father loves the Son because God IS love; He can never NOT love. His love is “agape,” that is, it does not depend on the response of the loved one. Whatever we may do, God’s love will not stop flowing to us.
In this truth we rest, O God, reveling, exalting in your rich, deep and immeasurable love. May we grasp this more deeply every day so our lives will be transformed.
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