Psalm 17:8b “hide me in the shadow of your wings.”
[You, Heavenly Father, actively shelter your children, covering us with your pinions of your Presence and Power, keeping us safe from what is truly evil, like the rooster in the picture below.
But we, like chicks, must choose to stay under your wings, to abide in your love, as you, Jesus, command us in John 15:9-10, “Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
If we choose to disobey your commands, Lord Jesus, and in arrogance and selfishness elevate our intellect and desires above your Word, as Adam and Eve did, we remove ourselves from the protecting shelter of your love.
Even then, though, you never stop loving us. You are always there, calling us, waiting for us to come and again abide in your shelter, your grace, your unconditional love.
And when we do stray in disobedience, you actively, in your love, chasten us by letting us suffer the consequences of our poor choices (Heb. 12:1-17). You do this so we will come to our senses and return to obedience to you.
You WILL hide us under your wings, if only we will come and abide there.]
Help us, Lord, to abide in your love, obeying what we know to be true, reveling in the Truth of your great and wonderful compassion and care for us. May we have the glow of your love in our hearts, in our souls and on our faces as we go with you into today, that we may bring light and hope to all those we meet.