Psalm 17:9-10

Psalm 17:9-10

Psalm 17:9 “… hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who assail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.”
[For David, these enemies were actual people; for us it is sometimes people acting like our enemies, but it is actually our spiritual foes, Satan and his forces of demons and devils, who regularly use people to attack God’s children.
This opposition is real, it is powerful, it is beyond our abilities to withstand or overcome. We know that Satan’s goal is to rob us of joy, to destroy our testimonies, families, churches and lives. And to kill, as he is doing in the Middle East and parts of Africa with attempts by terrorists to wipe out all Christians in their area. We need help desperately!
Praise be to you, Lord, that you do want to hide us in the shadow of your wings. You are our rock, our salvation and our high tower. You urge us to take shelter in you–just as David is doing in Psalm 17 by pouring out his heart to you and asking for help–so that we will never be shaken.]
Psalm 17:10 “They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance.”
[People used by Satan are certainly callous—I read recently that a young man publicly executed his own mother for opposing his joining a jihadist grouup!
And when you hear the pronouncements of those who oppose biblical truths and standards, there is huge arrogance as they exalt their own intellect above the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, Maker of the sea and all that is in it. They are but pawns in Satan’s plans; mercy and grace are foreign concepts to them. May this not be true of us!]
Praise God that He is the opposite of this: our gracious Savior, our caring Shepherd, our powerful Protector and persistent Provider. We can always know that “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
May be an image of tree, twilight, nature and sky