Psalm 3:6

Psalm 3:6

Psalm 3:6 “I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.”
[For David this was a physical fact: Absalom came with a large army and all the advantage. But in this crisis David was thinking about you, Lord: the Majestic, Mighty, Powerful, Undefeated, Unconquerable, Eternal Lord of Hosts. You are strong beyond imagination, you command the armies of Heaven, you can end everything in an instant, you work to weave all into your plan. Therefore, David did not give in to fear.
Praise you that for us, too, in the battle that is more against spiritual forces than physical ones, you are there, giving us support and grace, your presence and your protection. These we experience every day: in the timing of things, in provision of needs and in protection from Satan—all the perfect working of your hand in our lives.
So as we daily face the unseen but real forces of hell, who love evil, who have not one gram of goodness, who desire to destroy and are constantly at work to tear down all positives–we can rest in you.
As we cry out to you, you are at work, you have already defeated this enemy and are calling us to participate with you in the cleanup operation here on earth. We do this by keeping on your armor, fighting with praise, prayer and persistence in doing what we know to be right.
At the same time, on the level of what can be seen, the world now faces a growing horde of terrorists, eager to conquer and rule all the earth; but in this, too, we need not fear. You are moving history to a conclusion and taking us with you.
You are our Rock, our King, our Lord, our Ruler and we can trust in you no matter what storms come into our lives. Your plans are perfect, your presence is persistent, your protection is powerful. So I praise you now for what you will do today in carrying us through the attacks, over the barriers and into your peace.]