Psalm 36:10 “Continue your love to those who know you,”
[I praise you, Lord God, that you are love and therefore can never not love. I am so glad to be your son, chosen in love before the foundation of the world, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, rescued from the kingdom of darkness, accepted in the Kingdom of Light, adopted into your family, and brought out into a wide place. You delighted in me—not because of any quality of my own, but because you are Love itself.
And your love will continue throughout eternity, without end, without interruption, without diminishing. I praise you for your beautiful, majestic, magnificent character, founded on love, marvelous in balance and harmony, eternally perfect.]
“continue…your righteousness to the upright in heart.”
[You are the only Righteous One, O Lord. I praise you that your righteousness is unending, unrelenting and uninterruptable. Praise you that your always act in righteousness, in integrity, in purity, and that you have imputed your righteousness to your children.]
Psalm 36:11 “May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.”
[Yes, Lord, as we remain in the shadow of the Almighty, we are protected from the evil one and evil people. We may suffer persecution and difficulty, but you allow these as a way of growth, a way of witness and a way to honor you as we triumph over the world in faith. Praise you for the powerful and good working of your hands.]
Help me to live daily in the light of these truths, in the shelter of your character.