Psalm 36:8 “…the high and low among men…feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.’
[Even in the midst of difficulty, we can eat and drink of your marvelous provisions—but we must choose to do so. You offer us so much on the spiritual side (love, joy, peace, grace, goodness, hope, purpose, wisdom and power), on the relational side (family, church family, friends) and the physical side (bodies that work pretty well, home, food, bed, warmth, water). You call on us to open wide and receive your gifts, to note and give thanks for them. You are our Source of all, you are the Provider of all. Praise you that you are the abundant, loving, giving God, the reason for all our delight.]
Psalm 36:9 “For with you is the fountain of life;”
[Without you there is only death, destruction, damage and decay. As we come to you and surrender, we are made alive, brought into a river of vibrant life that flows from the fountain of your grace and the well of your Word.
This life continually grows ever more rich, deep, wonderful and abundant as we see more and more of your great and gracious character. This leads us to love you more and more in response to knowing your love that surpasses knowledge as we note God sightings, offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and dwell in your Word.
“in your light we see light.”
[To know you is to begin to really see, and the more we walk into the light of your presence and power through worship and obedience, the more we can know and understand. “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining on ever more brightly til the full light of day” (Prov. 4:18).
You are the Revealer, the Teacher, the Guide and Protector. From you flows all revelation and insight. With you we are continually seeing more and more treasures in your Word, in your work, in your way. Praise you for the clarity, the vision, the insight and understanding you bring.]
I praise you, Lord God, my Heavenly Father, that you are so loving to us, taking us now (2010) through this team conflict, a difficult, hard, trying, painful, unpleasant, distressing time. On the human side, it is because of the stubbornness of those involved; on the spiritual side, it is because you are bringing pressure to bear on all of us to grow and deepen, to trust and offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
I praise you now for how you are going to work this out, for you are the Fountain of life, the Light of wisdom and the God of abundant grace. Therefore, we choose to trust you, praise you and submit to you with all our hearts. Guide us today in living disciplined and wise lives so that more and more honor may flow from us to you. Amen.