Psalm 37:7b “do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
[This command shows how are we NOT to respond when our leaders pass laws approving of evil, bringing wickedness and encouraging disobedience to your Word. Such things will happen: God allows them for His reasons and will use this evil to open the eyes of many to their need for a Savior. Our part is to NOT fret. Are we willing to trust Him and obey this command?]
Psalm 37:8 “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.”
[God knows the natural tendencies of our heart: fretting, fear, anger, chafing and wrath. All of these are wrong. I praise you, Lord, that your Word is clear: these human reactions lead to the opposite of what you want, Lord, because in indulging in fretting, anger and wrath, we focus on people and events, rather than on you with your great plans, your wide wisdom, you magnificent might that you will use to right all wrongs at the appropriate time.
Help us, Lord, to let go of our anger, to move through forgiveness and prayer, doing good and trusting you in the midst of difficulty. We should refuse to be involved in culture wars where hateful words strengthen the focus on our seeming enemy. The rhetoric of talk show hosts, with its name calling and bitter opposition is not for us.
In contrast, the rhetoric of Jesus in the sermon on the mount is what we should pursue. We are called to be involved in grace giving, loving those who oppose what is biblical, doing good, speaking truth in love–while standing against what is evil.]
Lord, help us to note and reject the words and ways of the world, and instead to memorize, walk and talk your Word and words. May we think your thoughts, live your values and love with your grace.