Psalm 37:9 “For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.”
[Here is the word for all of us who wonder why the evil succeed and the righteous seem to fail: their failure is temporary; the righteous will endure and reign forever.
We can respond in every situation in grace, in goodness and wisdom because we know the outcome. The wicked will be dealt with, while we who Hope in you, Lord, will get all. We may have temporary setbacks, losses and defeats, but in the long run, you will bring the victory. This we need to keep in mind.]
Psalm 37:10,11 “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.”
[In this great contrast, the wicked will be taken away, while those who submit to your timetable, to your plans, will get more than they can possibly imagine and with it have great peace.
I praise you, Lord God, for the richness of your heart, the splendor of your schemes, the magnificence of your mind, all displayed in your persistent patience as you wait for the perfect point at which to act.
So, we can wait, knowing that you will do all wonderfully at the opportune time. An example of how waiting on your timing is how my parents (pictured here in their youth) finally came to Christ in their 80s, after many years of prayer for them.
Help us, Lord, to be people after your own heart, believing your Word, waiting for your timing, acting according to what you have revealed, and sharing your grace and goodness with all around us.]