Psalm 5:8

Psalm 5:8

Psalm 5:8 “Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies—make straight your way before me.”

[Praise be to you, Lord Jesus, for you are my Shepherd who faithfully, consistently, without fail leads me. Praise you that you guide me in your righteousness, meaning that you never make a mistake, a wrong turn, never get lost, you are always right. And in your leadership you are sinless and pure, your motives are right, your purposes are right, your plans are right, your decisions are right. You are the One to be trusted.

I desperately need your leadership because I am the opposite of these qualities: I am small, ignorant and sinful; I have mixed motives, no control over the future and do not know what is best. Plus I am faced with powerful spiritual enemies who desire to bring me down: to destroy my spiritual life, my witness, my marriage, my family, my future.

Alone I am helpless against them, lost before the battle begins.   But you, Lord Jesus, are the Victor, you have conquered Satan and his forces; you equip me, empower me, employ me against them, and in your armor and power I can “resist the devil and he will flee” from me (James 4).

Help me to keep on your armor today, to fight the right enemy with the right weapons so that you may be honored in my life.]