Psalm 6:1 “O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.”
[Our guilt is so great and your corresponding wrath Lord, is so powerful that we would be crushed in an instant if you disciplined us in your full anger. I praise you, O Jehovah, that while you are the holy, sinless, pure God who hates sin, yet you love sinners and have provided us a means of shelter, a way to escape your righteous wrath through the death and resurrection of Christ.
Praise be to you for your gracious, kind and forgiving heart, and for your mercy triumphing over justice. You, Lord Jesus, took the punishment and anger we deserved, and you, heavenly Father were willing to pour your righteous wrath on Him rather than us, opening the way for us into your Kingdom, into your family, into full forgiveness.]
Psalm 6:2 “Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?”
[You have made body, soul and spirit so intertwined that the anguish of one strongly affects the others. Praise you, Lord, that your healing touch in one area also brings healing to the others. You are the answer to our anguish, you are the healer of our hurts, the cure to all that troubles us.
You are merciful so in our needs we can turn to you, knowing that our salvation comes from you–even though sometimes we must wait a long time to be rescued from anguish.
I think of the American pastor unjustly imprisoned for two years in T, who in yesterday’s hearing was denied release and was returned to his sweltering prison cell. May he remember that you only are our Rock, our Salvation and our high Tower. Our soul finds rest in you alone, and when our soul is at rest, so is the whole of our being.]
Psalm 6:4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.”
[In your wonderful wisdom you bring us through the dark valleys where all seems to go wrong, where we are overwhelmed with failure and anguish, where we must walk by faith. And in this torment, we can appeal to your unfailing love—which is the only ground of approach to you, for we in ourselves do not deserve to even think of speaking to you; naturally we have no access. But you have opened the way with your love, your everlasting, unfailing agape love.
You, Lord God, are great in grace, lavish in love, marvelous in mercy, faithful in forgiveness. Therefore we bow before you in awe, surrender to you in thankfulness, accept your grace in gratitude.
In obedience we will put on your full armor, and then rise up to walk with you into this day, shining in the light of your love, bringing hope and truth and grace to all we meet. Glorify yourself in us, through us, in spite of us, Lord.]