Psalm 6:5-7

Psalm 6:5-7

Psalm 6:5 “No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave?”
[While he is right that the dead cannot praise in this world any longer, David here did not seem to have a clear view of what came after death. We as believers will praise you, Lord, forever in Heaven. We will see you face to face, exalt you, and bring you honor as we see your glory more clearly. What a marvelous truth!]
Psalm 6:6-7 “I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.”
[David was overwhelmed with worry, with fears, with anguish over his difficulties, his problems, his many enemies. In the night his mind raced from one problem to the next and sleep eluded him. His attempts to deal with this met with failure; his strength is too little, his resources too meager.
So he cried out to you, Lord, the only true source of help, the only actual salvation available. He poured out his heart, hiding nothing. We know from other passages, that in lifting his soul to you, he was able to lay his burdens before you and be open to a renewed filling of the truth.
In Psalm 46:5, speaking of Jerusalem, David wrote, “There is a river, whose streams make glad the city of God…God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” That is, after waiting through the coldest, darkest part of the night, God would come in to help. So often we have to wait in faith for the help we desire, knowing He will come in the right way and at the right time.
May we turn to you, Lord, early on and not let our worry and fear control us, not depend on our finite insight and wisdom. Help us to consistently lift our souls to you, telling you what we are thinking, feeling and wanting, and submit this all to your Word.
The pastor imprisoned in T on trumped up charges did this, coming to rest in Christ during his more than two years in prison, in spite of the strong possibility of spending the next thirty-five years in there, too. In one of his last hearings he made this statement “I have forgiven those who have been unjust to me, hurt me, and separated me from my children,” adding, “Of course, suffering for the sake of Christ is also a privilege. I am suffering these anguishes for the sake of His name, I am glad that I can share his sorrows.”
Lord, we praise you that you are our Rock, our Salvation and our High Tower. May we rush to you for help in each challenge so that you may be lifted up before men and angels as you save us yet again from our enemies who are too strong for us.]
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