Psalm 6:8 “Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping.”
[Here is a statement of pure faith—nothing has changed, there is no sign of an answer, yet after looking to God in prayer, David, is ready to trust, to act on unseen Truth by rebuking his enemies and choosing to believe in the faithfulness of his Heavenly Father.]
Psalm 6:9 “The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.”
[He is certain, sure, convinced of God’s faithfulness and mercy, so he can state with certainty that Jehovah has heard him and will answer. “I will call upon the Lord in the day of trouble, for he will answer me” (Psa. 86:7). He looks to the character of God, the heart of his Lord, the promises He has given and is sure of an answer in the right time and right way.]
Psalm 6:10 “All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace.”
[David ends his psalm with the statement of conviction and confidence. He does not have any visible sign of help yet, but he is sure of the outcome because he knows the living God who can and does act in power.
Praise be to you, Lord, for your great and wonderful character, full of unfailing love, unfailing wisdom, unfailing grace, unfailing help. You see all that is going on in our hearts, you know all our troubles, you hear all our prayers and you always answer in wisdom, power and grace.
We praise and thank you for your wonderful provision out of your glorious riches, your endless grace and your loving heart. May we live today in the light of these truths, bringing honor to you through our trust and confidence in you. Amen.]