Psalm 7:17 “I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness”
[Yes, to you, O Yahweh–Jehovah, King of glory, the great I AM, the Holy One–to you we bring praise because you are righteous, pure, positive and perfect. You alone are worthy of worship, honor and glory.]
“and [I] will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.”
[You are the utmost Authority, the final Decider, the great Judge of all. Your decisions are right, made in full knowledge, measured against your own pure character, filled with lavish love on one hand and heavenly hatred for evil on the other. You have a holy love for goodness and justice.
You have a powerful desire to end all evil, to establish the reign of good, having a gracious commitment to bringing as many as possible into your Kingdom–that is, all who are willing to receive your gift of forgiveness and bow before you as King of all–before you bring the final judgment.
In the light of your presence, Lord Jesus, we bask in the greatness and power of your love, and we rise up to obey you in all today. May you be pleased in our obedience; may it be done in the power of the Spirit and according to the wisdom of your Word. You alone are worthy of worship, worthy to receive songs of praise, hymns of exaltation and words of glory.