Psalm 8:1 A Psalm of David.
“O LORD,” [Yahweh]
[You are Yahweh, Jehovah, the great I AM, who exists from eternity to eternity, having no beginning, no end–the Creator of stars, Spinner of the earth, Bringer of the dawn. You are great and glorious, powerful and pure, the Lord of all.]
“our Lord,” [Adonai]
[You are both THE LORD and OUR Lord. You created the universe and you also stoop down to enter our little lives,
to walk with us,
work with us,
watch over us.
You invite us to join you in your majestic plans, preparing meaningful work for each of your children, tailored lovingly to fit our abilities, gifting and situation.
In being our Lord, you are ever present,
and deeply involved in every detail of my life.
You I can trust, you I can be sure of, you I can praise in every incident because you are good, through and through.]
Help me to walk in the light of these truths each day, trusting you rather than myself, embracing whatever you allow or bring by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, knowing you have a positive plan for me, for us, for every believer.