Rich Grace

Rich Grace

“It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night…” Psalm 92:1,2

Yes, Lord God, it is good to give thanks to you and praise your name, to note the many, many blessings you give us each day:

-salvation from Satan, self and sin;

-the gifts of sight, speech and sensations;

-hands that can do so much;

-feet that can carry us;

-hearts that beat faithfully thousands of times each day;

-a brain with millions of connections overseeing the functions of a multitude of organs without us having to give a thought to them.

And along with these, you daily give us

-beauty, like the tree in the picture,




-a bed,

-a home,



-a church family,



-protection…on and on we could go.

You are so gracious to your children, giving us such good gifts when actually, in our old selves we deserve the exact opposite.

As we begin each day, we can declare your steadfast love, trusting you to do what is best, to bring to us what is good, to protect us from what is evil.

And in the evening, we can look back and praise you, noting God sightings, seeing how you protected, provided and guided, declaring your faithfulness to all around us.

May be an image of tree