The Great Almighty One

The Great Almighty One

We praise your name, O Lord, the Most High God.

–You are the Source of all,

–you are the Sustainer of all,

–you are the Sovereign and Ender of all.

–You are the final Authority,

–you are the Paragon of Perfection,–you are the Righteous Ruler,

–the Holy Healer,

–the Powerful Protector.


There is no one like you. “For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him” (Ps. 89:6,7).

You, O God, are the greatest in power, wisdom and goodness.

You are able to create stars by the billions,

to shepherd them each to the proper galaxy and their particular place in it,

to hang the earth on nothing,

to begin and end history,

to defeat any enemy,

to protect, guide and lead us in every circumstance.

You are worthy of praise and exaltation all day long! “Lord, help me today to look around and see all the wonderful gifts you have given me, to reject complaining and instead rejoice in your rich love, your abundant provision and your loving care. Amen.”

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