Psalm 33:19 “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him…to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.”
[Here is the true picture. You, Lord Jesus, are the only One who can deliver us from death. In the greatest way you have delivered us from eternal separation from you, by your own death and resurrection. We are saved and safe now for eternity!
And you also save us every day. How many times have you saved me from near accidents, including potential head-on crashes–and how you protected us in the one head-on crash we did have. You are at work in seen and unseen ways, delivering us from death daily.
On another level, you are the One who keeps us alive by supplying our daily bread, often in great abundance. You see our need and provide it. You are the Source of all, you are the Provider of all that is necessary and far more.
And I am glad to say that the Lord has been providing for us today. First, Barbara is doing better today, able to walk and dress herself. And we were told about a gym that specializes in helping Parkinson’s patients. We went today and were very encouraged with the information, perspective and enthusiasm we met. We start tomorrow for two sessions a week. Also an friend from the past called to encourage us. She got Parkinson’s at 40, and now 12 years later is doing well. The Lord is answering! Thank you for your prayers.