Update on Barbara, doing much better, after being totally un able to do anything last night, today she is able to eat and actually walked a bit. We may be able to take her home, tomorrow. We are thankful. Again today’s devotional is good for me.
I praise you for your wonderful Word, Lord, and the powerful way you use it in our lives. During a very trying time in my life, I wrote the following.
Psalm 62:5, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;”
[This is a command, not a suggestion. In 62:1 the same truth is given as a statement “My soul finds rest in God alone,” telling us where rest is possible. Then here we are called upon to make a choice to find our rest in You, Lord.
We need to turn away from what we naturally pursue for rest–getting what we want, resolution of situations and tensions, positive reactions of people, or removal of conflict.
The fact is that each of these solutions is fleeting and superficial, so quickly replaced by other stresses. But finding our rest in you, Lord God, is the true solution, one that is deep, powerful and eternal. Help us to willfully find our rest in you alone.]