The Land of Acceptance

The Land of Acceptance

Lord God, my King and Master, you have set us undeservedly in such a wide place, a position of light and love, of grace and goodness, of beauty and brightness, of color and care.  It is a country of belonging where all depends on your gracious heart, your ever-flowing spring of love that waters all relationships, washing away the stains of self-effort and shame of failure.

In your lovely forgiveness-filled eyes, on your pure grace-giving lips, in your powerful, health-bestowing hands is the message of acceptance: cleansing, delight and favor.

In your presence we, who deserve eternal separation from you, are deeply loved, doted on and delighted in. This is not because of anything we are, but because of all you are, Lord Jesus: King of Grace, Lord of Love, Master of Restoration.  In you all is made right, all harm is banished, all evil is righted.  Your eyes are deep, firey and forgiving; your acts are those of righteousness where mercy triumphs over justice; yours are the thoughts of good for people of evil.

You are at work, turning the kingdom of this world right side up: you will make the kingdom of darkness into a Kingdom of Light.  With you there is hope, a future, a certainty of eternity in joy.  Praise you for the foretaste now as we can gaze upon your grace and be consistently transformed more and more into your image by the Spirit of power.  You, Lord Jesus, are worthy of worship, glory and honor, both now and forever more.