“…he leads me beside the still waters., he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”Psalm 23:2b
Glory be to you, my Good Shepherd, my Lord Jesus, for leading me beside the still waters. Every day you call me to your Word to drink deeply from the waters of Truth, to be refreshed with the revelation of your character, to be washed with the water of the Word.
I actually don’t see a great deal of change on a daily basis, but you are definitely at work, altering my soul, bringing growth, deepening and transformation. You are restoring my soul, moving it in the direction of its original, pre-fall condition so your relationship with me can be more profound, more transparent, higher and deeper.
Praise be to you, my Great Shepherd–
my Heavenly Father,
my Heavenly Brother,
my Heavenly Spirit
–for this faithful, powerful and wonderful work in my life. As I spend time with you in worship each day, you have been giving me strength in my soul, you have been quietly transforming my being into the likeness of Christ, so that when the disappointments of life come, there will be strength in me to pass through them with your endurance.
As a result of your work, my soul is no longer weak and flabby, able to be pushed this way and that by circumstances, feelings, and discouragements that come in life. You are making my soul strong, firm, muscular, able to stand in the face of opposition.
You are removing my fear of man, empowering me to make tough decisions for the good of the people involved without letting fear of how they will react control me.
You are teaching me to think like you, rather than being swayed by my feelings. This is your doing, to your glory, in line with your greatness.
I praise you for your faithful, deep work, your gracious goodness in bringing this change as I spend time gazing upon your marvelous Character. You truly are Glorious, Great and Gracious!