Praise you, my Heavenly Father, King of Glory, Creator of the universe, Beginner and Ender of History.
Last night at the initial Truth Project class (Focus on the Family), it was mentioned how Satan was there when God created all we can see. So were all the angels, fallen and faithful both.
This hints at all that existed previously, all that was created before you, Lord God, brought out of nothing our universe and all that is in it. What was there before this? We don’t know, but certainly there was a place where you dwelt, where you and all the spiritual beings you had created earlier existed.
You are much bigger, more more powerful and far greater than even the vast and deep spaces of the known universe indicate. It is, of course, impossible for our tiny human reasoning to grasp your dimensions, to understand what eternity entails, what it means to have existed forever, without being created, without change or growth because you are already perfect, and will last forever and ever.
How many other things have you created that we have no word of (worlds, places, universes)? We can only speculate, but such mighty, majestic acts are certainly within the realm of possibility for you, considering your infinite power and unlimited wisdom. Such thoughts are mind-warpingly beyond our comprehension, they are majestic, magnificent, mighty—and comforting.
They are comforting because you, our Heavenly Father, in spite of your greatness and glory, your having no need for us, came to our insignificant Milky Way galaxy, crossing it’s 500,000 light year radius to approach a tiny speck of dust tucked under one arm of the huge spiral and there at great cost to yourself, proceeded to redeem the rebellious and repulsive population.
What reason could you possibly have had for this? There is no attractiveness, no usefulness, no positiveness about us, sinful and selfish as we are, to entice you into such a sacrifice. This is utterly illogical to our minds.
Yet, you, the mighty and majestic One, who has created all we can see and far more, stoop to gather into your embrace all who will come. You forgive, cleanse, adopt, equip and invite us into significant roles in your great plan to right wrong, infuse good, eliminate evil and bring a recreated universe into eternity with you. Wow!
Are we who have believed going to refuse to join you in this? Are we going to continue on in our self-centered, activity-based, feel good focus, taking for granted all you’ve done and given? Or are we going to embrace all you have for us, making you the center of our lives, our being, our day, our activities? A no brainer if we are looking at reality.
And that’s the key: full reality, as far as we can comprehend it from your revelation. This means eagerly letting go of our natural worldview and leaping into your worldview where you are sovereign, powerful, good and loving, where you are inviting us into the adventure of living for you, in you, by you and with you in bringing history to a conclusion and sweeping as many as possible into an eternity with our marvelous and mighty God.
To refuse such proffered purpose, meaning, honor and significance is the deepest form of insanity (being detached from reality). To surrender is the highest form of worship.
The choice is ours to begin now, surrendering our understanding to you, being filled with your Spirit, learning to think your thoughts, live in your values and run in your paths of Truth, as laid out in your Word. Lead us on to deeper and deeper surrender, Lord, that we may be more and more useful for you, continually bringing you greater and wider honor.