The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Christian, Part 1 The story of how one man keeps on and uses the armor of Ephesians 6:10-18
Walter ran up the last few steps and walked swiftly to the door. He didn’t want to be late for work and unnecessarily bring any negative attention to himself from the boss.
Suddenly he stopped. “Wait! I don’t have my helmet of salvation on! I’m looking for security from others and their opinions, not God.” He put on the helmet with a quick prayer, “Lord I confess I’m walking in the fear of men and repent! Help me to rest in you and your approval.”
He took a deep breath, opened the door and entered the office. Sure enough, there was the boss waiting for him; but instead of dread or a sinking feeling, Walter now had his helmet on and rested in the truth of who he was–a Child of God, a Prince whose real work was joining God in His great plans.
“Ah, Walter,” said the boss, towering over his diminutive employee. “How’s it going with the coding on that new project? It’s really important that we make our deadline on this one!”
Walter calmly adjusted his glasses and blinked up at his boss. “It’s going well. In fact, I’m ahead of schedule and have the whole thing mapped out. I should be done by the end of the week.”
“Great!” replied his boss, smiling. “Keep up the good work.” Walter nodded and headed to his cubical where he hung his coat over his chair and got down to work.
Walter was well into his coding when something caught his attention. At first, he thought maybe he’d imagined it, but no, there it was again: a movement in the back of his mind. He reached for his sword and shield and swung around just in time to face his foe, the dragon of jealousy.
The hot flames of the dragon’s breath swept over him, reminding him of how he’d been passed over for that promotion he’d wanted and a less experienced guy had gotten it–but Walter kept up his shield, offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, warding off the flames, “Thank you, Lord, that I didn’t get that promotion because you have something better for me; thank you for your care and protection in all.”
He brought his sword up, slashing with skill at the dragon’s vulnerable areas: “You, Lord, are sovereign, and if getting that promotion had been good for me, you would have given it. I can praise you for not allowing me to have it, for your Word says, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.’”
The dragon drew back and stumbled off into the brush. Walter leaned on his sword, panting. He wiped the soot from the dragon’s flames off his face, reminding himself, “My soul finds rest in God alone. He only is my rock and my salvation.”
More to come