Psalm 22:4 “In you our fathers put their trust;”
[Throughout the history of Israel Abraham and Moses, Job and Joseph, David and Daniel, and many others trusted you in the midst of their trials, challenges and suffering.]
“they trusted and you delivered them.”
[They turned to you and were saved in and through their difficulties. This verse describes what you desire: a partnership with your children. You prepare things, then call us to trust, and when we do, you act. Without our joining you in trust, we hamper your giving us answers. As it says in Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, AS YOU TRUST in him so that your lives may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Without that trust, joy and peace and hope won’t flow.]
Psalm 22:5 “They cried to you and were saved;”
[Trust is demonstrated by crying out to you first, not seeking answers elsewhere. If we trust in ourselves, or others, or circumstances, or luck, or culture (as Abraham did in producing a son by his own cleverness instead of waiting for God’s timing), God sits back and waits, allowing us to suffer the consequences of our poor decisions so that we might come to ourselves and turn to Him in trust (as Abraham did when God called him to sacrifice Isaac).]
“in you they trusted and were not disappointed.”
[You, the faithful One, always come through in the right way and at the right time, which is often very different from how and when we would like you to do it.