“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.”
Psalm 62:7
“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Ps. 62:8). You, Lord Jesus, are the only unchanging point/person/aspect of all existence. You are unchanging because you are perfect: as you have always been and you always will be. In you there is no lack, no development, no shifting, no change.
You are our Rock of refuge, our Salvation from sin, our High Tower of eternity. Nothing can shake you or your purposes, no one is strong enough to dissuade you, to dislodge you, to dispute you. You are the only real Refuge, the only sure Shelter, the only safe Spot in the universe, in existence, in eternity.
Praise you that you are not distant, cold, uncaring or mechanical in your relationship with your creation. You are active, involved, compassionate and gracious. You are always there: real, strong and loving.
You are caring, wise, intimate and guiding. You are all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, all forgiving. You are the Most High, yet readily stoop down to love your minuscule creatures. You are great, yet involved with every tiny detail. You are mighty, yet tender. You are righteous, yet forgiving.
Who is like you? Who can comprehend you? Who can escape you? Who is not loved by you? You are a marvel—no, you are THE marvel of our existence, too good to be true, yet absolutely true, too real to be ignored, too great to be resisted, too wonderful to be the product of man’s imagination.
What a high and powerful privilege it is to know about you, to actually know you, to be honored by being made your child! “My salvation and my honor depend on God…” (Ps. 62:7)
I bow before you, Lord Jesus, and I rise up to follow you through the day, joining you in what you are going to do.