Praise you, Lord God, that in your gracious goodness, you unfailingly guide and direct, provide for and protect us. Praise you for the completeness of your character, the perfection of your personality, the graciousness of your goodness, and the firmness of your faithfulness.
Thank you that you lead us through difficulties, darkness and disappointments, using each to chasten, mature, deepen and develop us. You are wise beyond words, knowing exactly what is right, always doing what is best, and working out what is wonderful, no matter how it may appear to us.
I praise you, Lord, that whatever comes today, I can thank you for it. Confidence in you is never misplaced, praise is always appropriate, trust is always right.
To you now I lift my heart and soul in praise, for you are worthy of it in your perfect power, wonderful wisdom, lavish love, great goodness and flawless faith, in your strong sternness and touching tenderness. Every quality needed is there in the exact amount and in perfect balance: mercy triumphs over justice, forgiveness conquers condemnation, love covers a multitude of sins.
Today helpĀ me to live in the light of these Truths and to love you by obeying you.