Marvelous God

Marvelous God

Another ending section from my autobio—the continued description of how God is setting me free.
You, Lord God, are showing me your inexorable power and inviting me to join you in your work.
You have set me free from working hard so I can work smart.
You are leading me away from doing things my own way and into joining you through prayer and seeing you bring everything together in your great way.
Prayer is your idea; it is your invitation for us to join you in your mighty work;
it is a powerful means of being transformed by you.
It is tapping into your strength, your wisdom, your goodness, your desires and having them flow in, through and out of us to those around us.
You have set me free from being wrought up, angry, intimidated and controlled by events taking place around the world.
You are moving history to a conclusion and taking us with you. What you allow to happen, you use for good.
You are Sovereign, you are King, You are Lord and I can trust you to work out all things.
You have set me free from smallness, inviting me into your greatness.
You have transformed me from being a condemned slave of sin
into an honored, dearly loved, delighted-in son.
You have freed me from laziness on one side and being a workaholic on the other.
You are the God whose paths are right, good, perfect and wise.
You have set me free from having to live within my own warped thinking and have graciously opened up the great storehouse of your wisdom for me to use.
Your Word pours out wisdom. Your commands are full of wisdom. Your rich, gracious Spirit constantly imparts insight and understanding.
You have set me free from compulsive behavior, making me able to choose to obey you and reject the desires of my flesh.
You, Lord Jesus are wonderful!
Picture: us in 1979



May be an image of 2 people and people smiling