

Running in God’s Paths

I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” Psalm 119:32
Praise be to you, my Lord and my God, for you have set my heart free, free from the rule of Satan, free from the power of self, free from the chains of sin—as your child I can actually make choices now because you have brought me out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light.
“The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble” (Pro. 4:19). You have set me free from a life of fumbling and stumbling in the dark, bringing me out into a life of light. You, Lord Jesus, are the light of life and have caused the light of salvation to shine deeply into my heart. You have invited me to walk on the path of the righteous, illuminated by your Word, bringing me ever more into the full light of your day. Now in your grace I can choose the shining way of Truth revealed by your Word and your Spirit.
You are setting my heart free from fear, from bondage to selfishness, from lust, from anger, frustration and negative thinking. You have set my feet free from the shackles of Satan that led me to shuffle down the path of sin, to choose what is destructive, to react with violent, knee jerk negatives.
Now I can run free in the path of goodness, my feet unbound, my legs strengthened by your Spirit, my eyes opened by the light of your Word, my soul ready to soar.
You are setting me free from the anxiety and fear expressed in my hot anger when things around me are out of my control, when I get lost on a trip, when people fail to follow through, when I feel like a fool.
You are setting me free with the knowledge that in you I am secure, that you are my Shepherd, you are my King, that you are taking me to and through whatever you know is best. In you I am significant and can rest in this no matter how I may act, feel or fail.
Prayer: “ Help me, Lord, to run freely in the paths of your commandments, in the light of your Truth, in the joy of your presence, that I may give you glory today. Amen”


Some Christians I know have said they are not going to vote because they don’t like the candidates. Here are some things to consider on voting.
Men and women in the military have died fighting for us to have the right to vote; failure to do so is dishonoring to them.
If we don’t vote we have essentially voted for the winner. This is what happened in 2018 when millions of evangelicals didn’t vote and as a result those who are for infanticide, higher taxes and violence took control of congress.
Voting is an opportunity to influence what happens on a local, state and national level. This year we will be voting for state legislators and senators and well as a national congressman. One side is pushing abortion, curtailing home schooling and more taxes. If that’s what you want, then don’t vote.
Don’t think about personalities, but think about the candidate stands for: is it abortion, curtailing religious freedom, high taxes, rioting, ending the oil industry? If that’s not what you want, then vote, and vote for the opposite.
Personally, I am voting not for a person but for:
Freedom of religion
Freedom of speech
Freedom to bear arms
Freedom of Law and order
Freedom of life (Pro-life)
Better economy
Common sense
Good international policy (peace for Israel)

Gracious Salvation

What a wonder the gift of your salvation is! What I actually deserve as a sinner is condemnation, punishment, eternal separation, failure, suffering, hopelessness, despair, death and hell.
But instead, your great and marvelous grace—ever flowing, never ending, always giving—pours continually into my life, bringing undeserved forgiveness, gracious cleansing, ongoing transformation, needed strengthening, clear guidance, great goodness, positive power and wide wisdom.
To live in the light of your presence, to walk in the shining paths of your righteousness, to bask in the radiance of your love, to see by the brilliant illumination of your Word—these are the privileges of the children of God and we praise you for them.
We are saved by grace, sealed by grace, sanctified by grace, strengthened by grace. And in you, Lord Jesus, we are safe, for you are the Most High, you are the Almighty One, you are the undefeated and undefeatable One. In you we can rest. Glory be to your Name!
Prayer: “I praise you for what your power and grace will do in and through me today, in spite of how I may feel and fail. May all be for your glory. Help me to focus on you, draw my stability, wisdom, strength and understanding from you, Lord Jesus. May I honor you in all I do today. Amen.”

Marvelous Grace

“I will run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”
Psalm 119:32
My heart has felt distant from you, Lord. Being out of my schedule can bring a sense of disorientation. However, my stability, peace and sense of rightness should actually come from you alone, O God, not from the structure of my life.
As your Word says, “My God is my rock in whom I take refuge. He is my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Ps. 18:2b). So, whether I am firmly in a protecting schedule, or my life is chaotic, you are there, Lord God: solid, sure, always loving, kind and firm. You are my Light, my Love, my Life.
This unsettledness is actually a positively powerful thing, surfacing my wrong dependence on accomplishment, achievement, action, maintaining control and being good in my own strength. It points me to repentance and setting my eyes and heart on you, Lord Jesus.
So I turn my eyes to you and praise you, Lord God: my Triune, Eternal, Personal and Holy God—utterly other, entirely independent, sincerely sinless and incomprehensibly complex. You created me, chose me, cleansed me, claimed me as your child, commissioned me to special service, and I stand before you dearly loved, deeply cared for, delighted in, doted on and positively dependent on you.
What I actually deserve as a sinner is condemnation, punishment, eternal separation, failure, suffering, hopelessness, despair, death and hell.
But instead, your great and marvelous grace—ever flowing, never ending, always giving—pours continually into our lives, bringing undeserved forgiveness, gracious cleansing, ongoing transformation, needed strengthening, clear guidance, great goodness, positive power and wide wisdom. What a wonder!

Visiting Ketchikan

The next morning when I woke, the rain had stopped and the pine grove was white with mist. As I sat up, I saw a car parked at the entrance to the picnic place. “Ah,” I thought, “someone else on the way to Prince Rupert didn’t make it last night.”
After I had packed my gear on the bike and was wheeling it out to the road, I noticed that the car had a Connecticut license plate! What a coincidence: two Connecticut people spending the night in a remote park in the far North of British Columbia! But the driver was still asleep, so I didn’t bother her.
I rode on and reached Prince Rupert about 10am and found my way to the ferry terminal to buy a ticket. The ticket seller told me that the ferry would be delayed by several hours as it had missed the tide when leaving an earlier port. I stuffed my ticket in my pocket and went to wheel my bike into the line of vehicles waiting for the ferry.
I sat there for a while and then it began to rain, not just a drizzle, but a steady, soaking rain. Soon a man in a car near me stuck his head out of the driver’s window and called to me. I went over.
“Sitting in that rain isn’t going to make you any healthier! Come on in here where you can wait in more comfort,” He motioned me to the back door. I got in, thankful to be in a reasonably dry environment.
A couple of hours later the ferry arrived and everyone eased on board, glad to get moving. I parked my motorcycle up in the front of the boat and went to the cabin area, looking for a good place to spend the night.
Being used to sleeping on picnic tables, I was not at all intimidated with the idea of sleeping on the steel deck. I found a place behind some chairs and spread out my sleeping bag.
Then I got out my peanut butter, jelly and bread to make myself a late lunch. Two couples sat down nearby and got out their own sandwiches.
The older couple chatted with me a bit, telling how they were on their way back from Seattle where their son had just graduated from seminary. I watched the son and his wife as we talked.
“He sure must see something in her that I don’t,” I thought, “she is certainly one unattractive girl from a physical standpoint!” As I said that, it struck me how shallowly I judged people, almost entirely on their looks. This young fellow seemed to be a deeper judge of character.
The father was an old-timer who had come to Alaska around the turn of the century. He’d made a fortune in logging, although you’d never know from his demeanor that he was a millionaire. He told me some stories of the early days.
He also talked of his faith. He was a Seventh Day Adventist, he said, but also seemed to be a genuine Christian and told about how he’d been born again, seeing God transform his life.
I tucked that away in my mind with the other recent impressions: a tough old logger who had seen God change his life. Impressive. And, although I didn’t know it, the Lord had more for this man to do in my life.
After my late lunch I explored the ferryboat. Now that it had stopped raining, I spent some time on the deck, admiring the wild scenery. Looking off across the water towards the mountains I saw some sparrows flying in the distance.
Taking a closer look, I was amazed at how long their necks were; then with a start, I realized they were Canadian Geese, so dwarfed by the expanse of the sea and the height of the mountains that they looked as small as sparrows. This was my introduction to the vastness of the Alaskan wilderness. I spent the afternoon watching the exotic landscape go by.
In the evening, looking in my motorcycle’s handbook, I saw that there was a BSA motorcycle dealer in Ketchikan, a fishing village where the ferry would stop. I decided to get off there and see if I could get my headlight fixed.
Having made that decision, I went to the spot I’d found to roll out my sleeping bag and was soon asleep, enjoying the steel floor bed.
A blast of the ferry’s horn woke me. I looked at my watch: 5:30 am. We must be coming into Ketchikan. I quickly rolled up my sleeping bag and made my way outside to see what was happening.
The steward confirmed that this was Ketchikan, so I went down to where the vehicles were parked and strapped my sleeping bag onto the back of the bike.
Ketchikan proved to be an interesting place. A narrow town built on a thin strip of land between a steep mountainside and the sea, it had room for only one street. However, the ingenious residents had built wooden side streets running up over the houses, giving access to the mountainside, where more houses had been built.
I found a grocery store and bought a dozen eggs, a pound of bacon and some bread. Then I went to a camping area outside of town and cooked myself some nice breakfast over a fire.
I had a bit of trouble getting the fire going because it was still drizzling, something it seemed to do a lot in Southeast Alaska. I found myself a picnic table where I could sleep that night, then went back into town to find the BSA dealer.
It was a pretty small dealership, so I wasn’t sure they’d have what I needed. The parts man came to look at the bike and had me to turn on the light—and surprise, it worked again! I was happy that I didn’t have to buy a new light, but at the same time was unsettled, not knowing if the light would stop functioning again on some dark night.
I’d noticed a sign in town for a sauna, so decided to go there and get a much needed cleaning. It was good to sweat out all the grime of the last few days of riding.
The next morning I woke up early, somewhat damp under my sheet of plastic. Again I had difficulty getting the fire going, but with a farmer’s persistence, succeeded in the end. I had a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and bread.
As I was cleaning up, a car drove into the campground, and out stepped the old logger!
“Well, hi Steve!” he called. “I’ve been looking for you in several camping sites. I thought you might like to come to church with us this morning!”
I must have looked surprised, since it was Saturday. The logger, seeing my confusion laughed. “Don’t forget that we are Seventh Day Adventists, and today is the seventh day! Would you like to come?”
The warmth of the man and his sincere invitation won me over, so off we went. At the church service the son of the logger, the new seminary graduate, spoke.
His topic was a book called The Taste of New Wine. The title stuck in my head, and this proved to be very important later in what God intended to do in my life. Looking back, this happening was definitely a Jesus sighting, a three star one.
Picture: my motorcycle on the way to Prince Rupert

Psalm 25:16-17

Psalm 25:16 “Turn to me and be gracious to me,”
[Sometimes my life feels like the picture below. But instead of complaining, I choose to praise you, Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit. For you turned to me, saved me and you are continually gracious to me–when I deserved the opposite. You are faithful, persistent, wise, graciously at work in my life, for you are the Perfect Father, the Good Shepherd, the Wise Guide and the Great Protector.
I thank you for your daily gracious work in the lives of your children, as you provide our needs, lead us in paths of righteousness, protect us from our enemies with your rod, and correct us with your staff.]
Psalm 25:17 “for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have multiplied;”
[Although I feel lonely and abandoned, this is not true. In the midst of my troubles, you are there, working, protecting, guiding and maturing me. Therefore, I can offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving and honor you. I can praise you in the midst of uncertainty and disappointment, for you are all I need.]
Guide me today, Lord, in living worthy of you!
Image may contain: plant and outdoor

Lifting my soul to God

Written in my worship journal SOME YEARS AGO after a run in with a team mate, an example of lifting my soul to God.
Lord, as this conflict with my fellow worker seeks to occupy my thoughts, I must think of the many refugees in the Middle East, forced out of their homes, villages, jobs, security, possessions and into uncertainty, insecurity, having physical and emotional needs, without safety or the necessities of life, living in tents, sleeping on the ground, never being sure of food the next day. They are without hope, without peace, without a future.
Such a situation is what is actually difficult, not the present uncomfortable conflict I have. Help me to keep this perspective, to remember all you give me every day, Lord: so much good, so much protection, so much provision.
Praise you for your rich, warm, positive, supportive grace and love. Help me to walk in the light of your presence all day long so that you may be glorified through the faith you have given me.
Give me wisdom in how to proceed in the painful conflict before me, remembering that this person is not my enemy, even though he’s acting like one. Thank you so much, heavenly Father, that I am not left in this alone, but have your presence, your help, your wisdom.
Instead of fighting to win, to protect my ego and my sense of significance and position, I want to focus on who I am in you, and operate out of a position of weakness and humility, for then your power will be made perfect in my life (2 Cor. 12:9,10). Then I can move through these difficulties with others from the solid foundation of your goodness, grace and greatness.
Truly, my soul finds rest in you alone, Lord Jesus. No other can give me what I need, weak and needy as I am. Only you, Lord Jesus are eternal, infinite and perfect. Only you live forever to intercede for me. You have given me worth in creating me in your image, in choosing me before the foundation of the world. You left all in Heaven to live among rebels and liars, and, for your Father’s glory, to die for all and defeat death. You chose me, called me, you transformed me into a new creature, you adopted me as your son, you have given me your Holy Spirit, you invite me to live with you, work with you, to be your partner in all that you are doing. What more could I ask for!?
In you I have significance, for you have made me important with your love. In you I have security, for you have made me safe in your power. In you I have meaning, as you have made me a partner in your plans. In you I have purpose, as you have granted me the possibility of giving you glory in everything I do.
You, O God, are my King, my Lord, my Shepherd, my Protector, my Guide, my Corrector, my Loving Brother. Praise you, Lord Jesus, that in you I am complete, need nothing else and can live a life of “giving rather than of getting.”
Help me to live in the light of all this truth, to be a spring of life-giving water, rather than a sponge taking from others, a source rather than a sucker who is dependent on others’ approval and acceptance. In you I already have all I need and can trust in you with all my heart.
Praise you, Lord Jesus, that you are the God of completeness, full of far more than I need, always pouring out grace and goodness and greatness into my life. I give you praise and today want to honor you with all my heart. Guide and direct me, Lord, especially in resolving this conflict, that you may be lifted up before all those around me. Amen.

Psalm 25:14-15

Psalm 25:14 “The LORD confides in those who fear him; “
[Praise you, Lord God, that your desire is to intimately share your secrets with us, to confide in us, to talk with us through your Word and Spirit. Praise you that in your Fatherhood, you make known to us, your children, your heart, your mind, your wisdom.
But you have a requirement for this: we must first fear you–that is, care deeply what you think and desire, be in proper awe, seek to obey and live for you, not live for the thoughts or approval of others. This is the emotional aspect of our relationship to you, the impetus to obedience, the motive for doing what is right.
To fear you is a condition often cited: “The angel of the Lord encamps round about those who fear him and delivers them” (Ps. 34:8).”The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Prov. 1:7). Conversely, the “Fear of man brings a snare, but those who trust in the Lord are safe” (Prov. 29:25).
Help me, Lord, to consistently fear you, submitting my thoughts and emotions to your Word and your Spirit.]
“he makes his covenant known to them.”
[Praise you that as we fear you, you reveal to us the deep truths of your Word as we read and study and meditate on it. You are the great and gracious Giver, ever desiring to share. And you call us to receive your goodness and grace so we can glorify you more.]
Psalm 25:15 “My eyes are ever on the LORD,”
[May that always be so in my life, Lord, looking to you, thinking of your desires, alert to your Spirit, checking in with you often during the day, following your lead. Praise you for your good and loving ways that I can ever trust.]
“for only he will release my feet from the snare.”
[Yes, Lord, only you can take me out of the devil’s wiles, temptation’s traps, and the snare of my old nature. Save me from the sins of my old self, free me from the tricks of Satan.
Without you I would wander about in the dark, not knowing what makes me stumble; but in you there is always light, ever increasing illumination on our way. And you release my feet from the weight and sin that so easily entangles (Heb. 12:1). Then I can run in the paths of your Truth, following with endurance the race you have set out before me.
May I run well today, tired in body, but strong in Spirit and soul, serving you with all my heart. I praise you for what you will bring, for how you will guide, for how I can trust you completely. May my life bring you glory, honor and pleasure today, Lord Jesus. Amen]

Psalm 25:12-13

Psalm 25:12 “Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD?”
[This is what you desire, O LORD Jehovah, that your children fear you–that is, stand in awe of you, care deeply what you think and value, walk in respect of and obedience to you, seeing ever more of your overwhelming holiness and power, goodness and love. When we move in that direction, then you have a flood of gifts you pour out on us.]
“He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.”
[You personally give each of your children guidance and teaching to direct us into the specific, personal path you have prepared. There are some commonalities here in each plan, but also many totally individual aspects: what to do in each day, where to live, what work to do, how to share with others from all the resources you give, whether to marry or not, and who to marry–to name a few.
It is, of course, up to us to accept your plan, opening ourselves to your guidance, being willing to deny self, take up our cross daily and follow you.
If we do this, we will advance, mature, be fruitful. We will join you in the accomplishment of your great overarching plan: to sweep as many as are willing into your Kingdom, to end time, eliminate evil and move into a perfect eternity where you will lavishly reward those who feared you and followed the personal plan you laid out.
Psalm 25:13 “He will spend his days in prosperity,”
[You supply our necessities—and you often pour out an overabundance with them. This is always true on the spiritual level, the relational level, the volitional level, the emotional level, and sometimes on the physical level. And that is the order of importance in the process.
Praise you, Lord God, for your good and wise provision. My life is certainly brimming over with spiritual prosperity: an abundance of joy, peace, patience, love, grace, goodness and growth, which flow all the time. He makes us like a fruitful vine clinging to His Word, bearing fruit in all we do.
You give out of your glorious riches, strengthening us with power through your Spirit in our inner being so that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith (Eph. 3:16,17). You give us an ever-increasing faith that allows the Spirit to dwell in an ever-widening place in our lives. This is spiritual wealth, spiritual prosperity. Praise you for your gracious giving, your gracious goodness, your gracious greatness.]
“and his descendants will inherit the land.”
[This originally spoke of the land of Israel, but now can speak of the heavenly land we can give our children, meaning belonging to you, Lord, and having a place in your Kingdom, in your Home, in your Love. Our fearing you will help our descendants follow us into surrender and obedience of belief and become your children.
I praise you, Lord God, for the privilege of fearing you, of trusting you, of obeying you and thereby bringing blessings to others you bring into our lives.]
You, Lord God, are the only One I can trust, and you are the only One worthy of trust, of glory, honor and exaltation. I bow before you now in worship, I rise up before you in obedience so that you may be honored before angels and humans today.

Psalm 25:11

Glory be to you, heavenly Father, for you are “good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to all who call upon you” (Psalm 86:5).
Psalm 25:11 “For the sake of your name, O LORD, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.”
[What a solid basis for appeal, that your Name be lifted up, glorified and magnified. And this is what happens as you forgive my sin–which is marvelous. I do not know a tenth of it, but you know it all and have provided full, complete, free and effective forgiveness–cleansing and changing me from the inside out.
In Jesus, my record is wiped clean, my past is changed, my future is sure and secure, full of upward movement into ever increasing freedom. This is so because you are good, you are gracious, you are giving, you are great in generosity, mercy and love and kindness. We are undeserving while your love is unending. We are unworthy, but you are unrelentingly gracious. We are unrighteous in ourselves, but your forgiveness in inexhaustible.
Praise be to you, the Great and Glorious God, whose forgiveness flows forever, transforming, teaching and training us to walk in your wonderful way. Today lies before us now, an unknown blank, but you know all that will come and have prepared for us a course to run. You stand ready to lead us into it, walking before us, revealed in your Word, known in your ways, trusted in your goodness.
I praise you for what will come, for how you will protect, for how you will act in wisdom and love to weave all into the fabric of your plan for today, a portion of your plan for eternity. We can trust you, the Great and Mighty Shepherd to lead us on the path of righteousness and bring us safely through to the end today, then on to the end of time and the beginning of eternity.
In the light of your beautiful character, may continual praise flow to you from my life today through trust, thanksgiving and obedience. Amen.