


EASTER! Praise be to you, Lord God, Lord Jesus, for your willingness to go through all your suffering so that the Resurrection could occur!

You were willing to go through the valley of the shadow of despair and defeat, to break through death into life, bringing light, love and life to us when we were living in the oppression of the dominion of darkness.

Now that you are resurrected, you can rescue us and bring us into the Kingdom of Light where we have forgiveness of our sins according to the power of your shed blood!

What a wonderful, unbelievable ending to the story of sin and shame, brokenness and fear, degradation and debauchery, evil and hatred, oppression and despair.

In you we have the opposite of all these things: forgiveness and honor, wholeness and safety, exaltation and cleansing, goodness and love, freedom and hope.

To you, Lord Jesus, the Resurrected One, the Shining Shepherd, the Majestic Monarch, to you belongs all worship, all submission, all rejoicing, all honor. Praise be to you today as we remember again the wonder of your resurrected life and restored glory.

Another instructive devotional from EDIFIED!

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”
Psalm 143:8b
We came in the door just before midnight following a long and stimulating visit with some local friends. There had been several opportunities to share spiritual truth. The wife of one friend showed a real interest, asked a lot of questions and listened carefully to a full presentation of the gospel.
In spite of this wonderfully encouraging time, my heart was as heavy as my eyelids, and I longed to just drop into bed and forget ‘til the morning the things that weighed on my heart. However, the Lord reminded me of the importance of “lifting my soul” to Him, getting out my troubled thoughts and “processing” them. So I sat down with my journal and began to write about the email I’d gotten that day.
“Lord, after getting that negative email from Charlie I am angry, disappointed, discouraged and hurt – I feel sorry for myself! I feel like reacting in a similar way, writing back and fully, exquisitely expressing my anger—but that is not your way, Lord. I know the key is to not give in to a negative response flowing out of self-pity and a sense of failure, but to praise you, Lord, for the unseen good you are working in this situation both in Charlie and in me, and to press on in truth.
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of Psalm 50:23, ‘He who offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving honors me and opens the way that I may show him the salvation of the Lord.’ Thank you for helping me to ever lift up your name, to praise you and move on.”
There was a release of the burden as I thanked God for the situation and praised Him for what He was doing. It was fulfillment of David’s prayer, “Rejoice the soul of your servant, O Lord, for to you I lift up my soul” (Ps. 86:4, NKJV). That night I slept wonderfully and deeply, waking refreshed in spite of the late night.
During my quiet time the next morning, new thoughts came to mind of what to share with Charlie and a positive letter poured out of my head and into an email–it was truly a letter from the Lord. Charlie responded by asking forgiveness for his incorrect interaction, and later another email came expressing further remorse at his angry words.
The Lord worked; I am deeply thankful that He got me to listen, and to write out my thoughts in the evening, not the morning, so that He could give me both a good night’s sleep and His positive perspective.
The key was lifting my soul to God by writing out my thoughts and then comparing them to Scripture–to just express them verbally does not bring for me the insight that comes with writing. It brings clarity on what is actually happening so the Lord can give perspective and direction. It is truly good to “pour out our hearts to Him, for God is our refuge” (Ps. 62:8).
Prayer: “Lord, praise you that you call us to lift our souls to you. Help me to be consistent in honestly telling you what I am thinking, feeling, wanting, and to process these in the light of your Word. Restore my soul so that you may rule me wholly. Amen.”

Good Friday Meditation, from EDIFIED!

Good Friday Meditation, from EDIFIED!
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21
The death of Jesus on the cross was an event he shrank back from, so horrendous was the prospect. In Gethsemane, “horror and dismay overcame him, and he said…‘My heart is ready to break with grief’” (Mark 14:4 NEB). Four things brought on this horror.
First was the physical suffering, the cruel whipping, the pain of spikes being nailed into his flesh and bone, the agony of hanging there for hours, each breath a struggle as he slowly lost strength.
Second, he was to become sin for us. The ugliness, the stench, the putridness, the repulsiveness of sin–these he would become. Think of being lowered into a pit of liquid cow manure, its surface roiling with maggots, the stench overwhelming; and as you go down into it, it gets into your eyes, nose, mouth, and then lungs, engulfing you in its terribleness. This is nothing compared to Christ’s becoming sin for us, the evil of it entering His very being as a human.
Third, He was under the righteous wrath of God, which had been stored up from the beginning of time against all the sin ever committed and all that will be committed. This unimaginably immense weight of wrath came down upon Jesus with full force, crushing him.
And fourth, Jesus was torn out of the relationship of the Trinity–the perfect place of peace, the unflawed unity, the beautiful balance, the wonderful warmth that had existed from eternity. As He became sin and had wrath poured upon Him, He could not stay in that intimate relationship. His Father turned away and the fabric was ripped, the essence smashed, the unity destroyed. This brought the greatest suffering of all in His sacrifice, not only to Jesus, but to the Father and the Spirit as well.
The amount of horror for Jesus in this experience was immeasurably great. It is an infinite suffering borne by an infinite heart of love under an infinite wrath. And it brought about an infinite solution for us finite beings. Only a God who is Love could do this. Only Jesus could be our Savior, both God and man, willing to go through such suffering, which is beyond the comprehension of even the angels who live in the presence of God.
And He did this to save us, we who are lower than angels, sin-warped rebels viciously fighting against Him, rejecting His way and serving Satan and self. But now He has given us the possibility of becoming His children. Hallelujah!
Let us stand in ever-growing awe at the amazing, unbelievable, contra-conditional and compassionate sacrifice made by the Living God to save us who are by nature captives of death, of the devil and of destruction. May this awe transform our mind, will and emotions so that we thirst deeply after God and spend time with Him every day.
Prayer: “Lord Jesus, forgive me for trivializing your immense sacrifice to redeem us, your evil enemies. I praise you for your great love, your deep commitment, your incomprehensible grace. Help me to live in the light of your love and to love you back in consistent obedience. May your light shine out of my life today, bringing you ever-increasing glory. Amen.


“My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
The Lord has a way of answering our prayers at unexpected times with unusual means. Recently for me, an answer began with a discussion about how to hang up clothes in the closet.
Barb hangs them so the opening of the garment faces right; I have always hung them the opposite way. One evening as Barb was putting freshly ironed shirts in the closet, she asked if I would start hanging my clothes the opposite way, the way she did.
I had had a day filled with details and pressures. I was not ready for a request that would add another detail to my already full plate, and that demanded reversing a habit (and a harmless habit at that!) which had been 50 years of reinforcement.
“What difference does it make?” I asked.
“To me it makes a difference,” Barb replied. As I pushed her for a reason, she continued, “The shirts won’t hang into each other if you put them in like this!”
Well, that didn’t make any sense to me, so I began to let her know that.
“Fine,” Barb said quietly, “Do it as you want.”
That gentle reply cut through my resistance like a hot knife through fat, as the Lord brought to mind a prayer I’d offered earlier in the week: “Lord, help me to serve Barb with joy, to do things which will reduce her stress and help her to be more effective for you.” What Barb had asked for was very small, something that would make her life easier, and here I was resisting. How foolish!
Verses from John 15 flooded my thoughts, “I am the true vine; my father is the husbandman…every branch that bears fruit, he prunes it so that it might bring forth more fruit.” That knife I felt cutting through my resistance was the Holy Spirit pruning off the useless, harmful growth in my life: selfishness, impatience, laziness and pride, to name a few. I want to bring forth more fruit, but often don’t want the pruning that is the prerequisite.
I am thankful that God is patient and faithful to keep working on me, that my dear wife is a patient and gracious soul and that I could repent, apologize to her and hang those shirts in a way that made her life easier.
In this process of growth, God is pleased with us when we submit to Him and to each other in love, and He also gives us wonderful, undeserved benefits. In John 15:11 Jesus says, “These things have I said unto you so that my joy might remain in you and your joy might be full.”
And what did He say right before that? “Let me prune you; abide in me; do whatever I command you.” These are not things that we humans naturally want, but it is obedience that brings what everyone does want: joy.
Prayer: “Lord, help me this day to willingly submit to your pruning so that I may better love others as you have loved me and that your joy may be complete in me. Amen.”

Psalm 9:11

Psalm 9:11 “Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.”
[You, Lord God, are worthy of praise, and more, for all that you have done; to you belong worship, exaltation, honor, glory and thanksgiving.
You have provided the possibility of forgiveness for all evil doers, you have redeemed and rescued all willing to become your children, you have released your saints from the dominion of darkness and ushered us into the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of your Son whom you love.
In Him we are forgiven, cleansed, transformed, adopted, commissioned to special service, equipped to join you in what you are doing. In Jesus we are dearly loved, doted on and delighted in.
You have glorified your name in countless instances of doing good to your enemies, being gracious to your rebellious children, being kind to all people, being holy in the face of evil, being patient in the face of rejection and being purposeful in your work of bringing history to a conclusion where you will eliminate evil and restore the perfection of pre-fall creation.
In the light of all this, what is our response? We must worship you, we must exalt you, we must praise you, for there is no other possible reaction for those who know your name.
May you be honored in our lives today, may obedience flow, may praises multiply, may trust reign, may glory rise to you each moment–for you are worthy, O Triune, Glorious and Eternal LORD!

Psalm 9:10

Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name will trust in you,”

Your name, Elohim (God), means the strong and faithful One, and you have shown your strength in creation and your faithfulness in providing salvation through Christ for all who will believe .

Your name, Adonai (Lord), means the powerful Authority who has the right to demand obedience, and along with that, promises complete provision of all we need to live for and obey you.

Your name Yahweh (LORD), means the holy One who is utterly independent of your creation and utterly committed to caring for it. You are the Hater of sin, the Judge of evil and the Lover of your sinful creatures.

You are the great I AM, with no beginning and no end, ever existent, ever powerful, ever present.  You are absolutely, utterly, completely, eternally trustable. To not trust in you is a great sin, denigrating your mighty, majestic, magnificent Name.]

“for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”

[The record speaks! You have come to the rescue of all who have called upon you: Adam, Able, Abraham, Moses, the Children of Israel (many, many, times), the Judges of Israel, David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, the Apostles, Paul–and us.

As we seek you, call out to you, you are faithful to answer. As it says in Psalm 34:4-8, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

So let us take refuge in the Almighty One who will never forsake us and helps those who take refuge in Him.]

Psalm 9:9

Psalm 9:9 “The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,”
[Praise you, Yahweh, the great I AM, Creator and Sustainer of the the heavens and earth, the sea and all that is in it, who, while being involved with the whole universe, is aware of each of the oppressed and calls every one of us to yourself for refuge.
People are oppressed first and foremost by the devil as he keeps them enslaved by fear of death, by desire and deception, by division and distraction. And he oppresses through evil people, evil persuasions, evil purposes. Then we are also oppressed by our own negative nature where selfishness, pride, lust and greed successfully seek to rule us.
But you, Lord Jesus, have opened a door out of this miserable mess of darkness and despair into the Kingdom of Light where you are our very personal refuge and strength so we may give you ever increasing glory.]
The Lord is “a stronghold in times of trouble.”
[In you we are safe during the destructive attacks of the enemy, able to turn these assaults into opportunities for growth and helping others. In you we can find comfort and rest, salvation and protection. In you we find love and grace, goodness and help. In you we find forgiveness and pardon, cleansing and transformation.
In you there is loving chastening, firm correction and certainty of rebuke when needed. In you there is deliverance from deception, lust, selfishness and stubborn, destructive independence from you. You are our protector in all troubles, as long as we dwell in your shelter.
As it says in Psalm 91:1-4 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’
Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” ]
Lord, help me to willfully take shelter in you today, my mighty Rock and my Refuge.

Psalm 9:5-8

Psalm 9:5-6 “You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked; you have blotted out their name for ever and ever. Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy, you have uprooted their cities; even the memory of them has perished.”
[It is your intent to eliminate sin, to cleanse the universe of rebellion, so you justly punish wickedness and those who refuse the forgiveness and cleansing you offer.
You first rebuke and give opportunity for repentance, just as you did with all the nations in the promised land—Rahab being the example of what could have happened with each one of them if they had responded with faith—and when they refused to come to you, they remained under judgment and were destroyed. You are just, you are consistent, you are righteous.]
Psalm 9:7 “The LORD reigns forever;”
[Praise be to you, the forever One, who has no beginning and no end. Being eternal, you are able to follow through on your promises, your plans, your purposes because you never tire, never flag, never fade. You are the everlasting I AM, ever pure, ever holy, ever triune.]
Psalm 9:7b-8 “he has established his throne for judgment. He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice.”
[Praise you that in you alone there is true justice and righteousness. They are certainly found nowhere else in this world. We long for them, but fear them at the same time, for we know innately that we are subject to judgment and are found wanting in ourselves.
Praise you for your great mercy towards us, that in Christ we stand cleansed, forgiven, transformed, adopted and dearly loved.
We bow before you now, O Lord, exalting your name, your Word, your grace, your goodness. You are totally worthy of love, of obedience, of thanksgiving, of praise.
Therefore, we rise up from our worship to enter this day as your children, desirous of living a life worthy of you and of pleasing you in every way. May your Spirit fill us and overflow from us into the lives of those around us, bringing you more and more honor.]

From my worship journal

From my worship journal.

Praise be to you, Lord God, that yours is a full-orbed character, shining brightly into our lives. On one side you are love it self, while on the other you hate what is evil.

I praise you for your hatred of evil, your anger at injustice and your wrath against sin–because, your justice makes restoration possible; your wrath against sin makes salvation possible; hatred of evil makes a sinless heaven possible.

I praise you, Lord Jesus, that you took the wrath of the Father fully upon yourself, so that all who choose to believe might be  saved in your goodness, sheltered in your love, protected in your grace and transformed in your power.

Thank you that you have given us life from your suffering, love from your heart and light from your Truth. Praise you for qualifying us to enter your Kingdom, for adopting us into your family and giving us purpose, meaning, hope and a sure future, along with joy, peace and power to live a godly life.

But thank you most of all for giving us a rich, real and righteous relationship with you. Thank you for loving us unconditionally, wholeheartedly, eternally. This is to be the focus of our lives: You!

And in this wonderful relationship with you, you give us all we need: forgiveness, cleansing, acceptance, affirmation, attention, love and grace. I am thankful for these, but they are not the focus: You are.

I worship you as the Lord of love, the Giver of good and the God of grace. To you be glory and honor in all my life today. Amen.

Psalm 9:2-4

Psalm 9:2 “I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”
[Yes, I will rejoice in you, for you are wonderfully worthy, graciously good, powerfully persistent, righteously just, lovingly strong and readily forgiving. Praise is your due, praise is our privilege.
How can I not praise you in and for all things—pleasant or painful, nice or negative—when you are so magnificent in your pristine, perfect triune character? Glory be to you now, today and forever, for you are worthy!]
Psalm 9:3-4 “My enemies turn back; they stumble and perish before you. For you have upheld my right and my cause;”
[Praise be to you, O warrior God, who fights for your children. You fight against Satan, sin, selfishness and sinners who attack your children. Such help is not our right but a powerful privilege. I am not right, but your Word is right, you will is right and you Son is right—and you have made me righteous in Him. I praise you that out of your grace you fight for me, for us, for your Word, for all that is right.
As I “commit my way to the Lord, I will trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass, He shall bring forth my righteousness as the light and my judgment as the noon day sun” (Ps. 37:5-6). He who delights in and meditates on your word “will prosper in whatever he does.” (Ps. 1:3).
So, I can rest in what you will do in the pressing debates before me concerning how to biblically proceed with our work, for you are faithful. Things may not work out the way I desire, but I know that you will do what is right.
“you have sat on your throne, judging righteously.”
[We may be unsure, have only part of the information, be prejudiced by our preferences and preconceptions, but you have none of these restrictions. You, Heavenly Father, see all perfectly, you have every detail of information, you even understand our motives and the intents of our hearts. You know Truth totally and you will judge in full Righteousness.
Praise be to you, Lord God, for your goodness and graciousness, your greatness and glory. I praise you today, bowing before you, accepting whole-heartedly whatever results you bring out of the conflicts around me.]