

Psalm 36:8,9

Psalm 36:8 “…the high and low among men…feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.’
[Even in the midst of difficulty, we can eat and drink of your marvelous provision—but we must choose to do so. You offer us so much on the spiritual side (love, joy, peace, grace, goodness, hope, purpose, power and wisdom) as well as the physical side, and you call on us to open wide and receive your gifts. You are our source of all, you are the provider of all. Praise you that you are the abundant God, the reason for all our delight.]
Psalm 36:9 “For with you is the fountain of life;”
[Without you is only death, destruction, damage and decay. As we come to you and surrender, we are made alive, brought into a life that flows from you fountain of grace and the well of your Word.
This life continually grows ever more rich, deep, wonderful and abundant as we see more and more of your great and gracious character, and love you more and more in response to knowing your love that surpasses knowledge through noting God sightings.
“in your light we see light.”
[To know you is to begin to see, and the more we walk into the light of your presence and power, the more we can know and understand. “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining on ever more brightly til the full light of day” (Prov. 4:18).
You are the Revealer, the Teacher, our Guide. From you flows all revelation and insight. With you we are continually seeing more and more treasures in your Word, in your work, in your way. Praise you for the clarity, the vision, the in sight and the understanding you bring.]
I praise you, Lord God, my Heavenly Father, that you are so loving to us, taking us now through this team conflict, this difficult, hard, trying, painful, unpleasant, distressing time.
On one side, it is because of the stubbornness of those involved; on the other hand, it is because you are bringing pressure to bear on all of us to grow and deepen, to trust and offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
I praise you now for how you are going to work this out, for you are the fountain of life, the light of wisdom and the God of abundance. You, Lord, are good, loving and wise. We trust you, we praise you, we submit to you with all our hearts. Guide us today in living disciplined and wise lives. Amen.

Psalm 36:7b

This entry was written a number of years ago while mediating a serious conflict on one of our teams.
Psalm 36:7b “Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.”
[Lord, I come to you to find refuge, to find hope and help in the shadow of your mighty, protecting wings. In every situation, I choose with Habakkuk to, “rejoice in the LORD, to be joyful in God my Savior” (3:18). There is no other source of help, there is no other refuge, there is no other way.
“The Sovereign LORD is my strength;”
[You, Lord, are awesomely powerful, while I am amazingly weak–powerless and frustrated in many situations. I cannot get people to budge from their destructive, self-defensive positions. Only you can do this Lord; you are my strength, making up for my lack. And I chose to join your strength through prayer.]
“…he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.”
[Lord, help me to stay stable, to be able to move ahead, to climb these intimidating heights, to be obedient to the Truth that you have given us. May you be God in the difficult situation before me. Answer my pleas according to your righteousness, according to your wisdom, to your graciousness, to your Love.
For the sake of your Name, for the sake of your church, for the sake of your glory, please intervene. Bring us all to our knees, to see our sin, to be humble before you, to be broken, to stop trusting in ourselves and to start listening to you. Bring the breakthroughs needed, Lord. I thank you now for what you will do. Help me to leave this with you, to rest in you, to be content in you, Lord.
Praise be to you, Lord, for your consistent guidance and direction. I praise you, Heavenly Father, that you are my Rock and Refuge, that you, Lord Jesus, are my Shepherd and Salvation, that you, Holy Spirit, are my Guide and Teacher. According to your plan you will lead me through this disquieting, distressing time.
Praise you, Lord Jesus that you are the Way, the Truth, the Life, and that you unswervingly, unendingly, unchangingly are at work drawing us on to doing what is right and good and positive. Please move us all forward through this time of trouble. I praise you, Lord, for what you are doing and what you will do, you who are my Fortress, my Salvation, and my Stronghold.

Psalm 36:5-7

Psalm 36:5 “Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”
[Praise you that there is no limit to your love, no frontier to your faithfulness, no end to your endurance. Your wonderful grace flows from you nonstop–so you love is omnipresent, ever persistent and all pervasive. We praise you that in your love and faithfulness you are eternally good, totally positive, unendingly wonderful.]
Psalm 36:6 “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep.
[Thank you that your Love encompasses righteousness and justice. You are fully faithful to your Word, to your Ways, to your wonderous Character. You are faithful in the midst of whatever you allow into our lives, be it pleasant or painful.
Thank you that your every action is righteousness and every decision is just. And I thank you even more that you, in your wisdom and goodness have caused mercy to triumph over justice. I give you honor and glory for the protection you provide as you act righteously and exercise justice. Help us, too, to be righteous and just.]
“O LORD, you preserve both man and beast.”
[You are the One who keeps us alive, giving us breath, food, water and protection; without you we would perish immediately. And we, in our old nature, deserve to be immediately snuffed out, with no recourse.
But you, in your inscrutable love, keep us alive, watch over us and invite us into your plans in spite of our inabilities and liabilities. May we remember our weakness and thereby be humble and obedient before you.]
Psalm 36:7 “How priceless is your unfailing love!
[It is not only the outstanding, fundamental quality of your being, Lord God, but more deeply, unfailing love is what you are. You are Love itself, therefore you can never not love. Praise you for this powerful, unending Truth which influences every aspect of our existence.
Living in this love is the basic desire of our hearts, for you created us to exist in such a relationship with you. And you have restored us to it, rescuing us from exile, from extinction, from extermination, while bringing us into your wonderful presence, your warm embrace, your wide-ranging plan. In this you will restore the whole of creation to its original pristine and perfect condition.
Help us ever be in awe of your unfailing love, to remain in your lavish love, loving you back well. “This is love for God: to keep his commandments, and his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3]

Psalm 36:4

Psalm 36:4 “he [the wicked man] has ceased to be wise and to do good. Even on his bed he plots evil; he commits himself to a sinful course and does not reject what is wrong.”
[This can also be true of believers–those who at one time committed themselves to be followers of Jesus, but now follow their own way. I think of an acquaintance in ministry who has run roughshod over a multitude of relationships, and has been confronted about this by multiple people, but refuses to admit any wrong doing.
He sees no sin, although he has ceased to do what is wise and good. He has committed himself to a sinful, self-protecting and self-promoting course.
Fear of God brings the opposite: humility and a teachable spirit, in contrast to an independent, self-justifying attitude manifesting itself in pride and rebellion.
The outcome of failure to fear God is described in James 3:16: “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” Not a pretty picture, and, unfortunately, what often happens in individuals and churches who fail to fear God.
In contrast is the picture James 3:18 gives us: “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” And we can become peacemakers by fearing God as is described in James 3:17, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
As it says in Psalm 34:12, “Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days,” fear the Lord, for it is the beginning of wisdom.
So let’s check ourselves regularly: are we caring deeply what God says, standing in awe of His wisdom and submitting ourselves to His Word? Or are we going by our own twisted hearts, convincing ourselves that we know best? Big consequences flow from each course!

Psalm 36:3

Psalm 36:3, “The words of his [the wicked man’s] mouth are wicked and deceitful;”
[Such a person deceives himself, as well as others. He is good at giving a positive spin on whatever he desires to do. Just as Satan deceived Eve by making himself look good while implying that God was withholding something good from her (“when you eat of it…you will be like God, knowing good and evil” Gen 3:5), so a person without fear of God can convince himself that doing the opposite of what God commands is good.
We see this every day around us as people attempt to use Scripture to support abortions, unbiblical forms of marriage, living together, or putting unqualified people into church leadership–to name a few of many such examples. What they are actually using is culture rather than God’s Word. They let their desire to fit in and be accepted deceive them into rejecting God’s wisdom for that of the world.
In contrast, one who fears God, spends time in His Word, learns to think God’s thoughts and puts them into practice. God’s perspectives are consistently the opposite of our natural ones (“Love your enemies.” “Do good to those who persecute you.” “Forgive as you have been forgiven.”)—and we could never come up with such beautiful ideas on our own. Each command is God protecting us from unnecessary negatives and harm, such as bitterness, worry and fear.
A God fearer will check his desires and plans before God rather than trust his own devious heart. One way to do this is to wait on making a decision, taking time to think it through, asking God for wisdom, looking for direction in His Word, listing out the pros and cons. George Mueller described “God fearing” as bringing his heart to the place where receiving a “yes” or a “no” to his prayer was the same, for he wanted God’s will, not his own.
Fearing God is standing in awe of His majestic power, marvelous wisdom and mighty goodness. It is caring deeply what He thinks about each thing in our life. Fearing God will protect us from the deception of the world and from deceiving ourselves; it will bring wisdom and will open the way to His greater working in and through us. Why would anyone ever want to reject it?

Freedom in Truth

An entry from EDIFIED, written more than ten years ago, but so relevant to our situation today; applying these truths has brought peace in problems and God’s grace in trouble.
“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 143:8
While in a difficult situation recently, someone asked me how I could be so cheerful. The answer is a Scripture-based phrase that I often use to give myself perspective: “God is moving history to a conclusion and is taking us with Him!” Whatever the present event, it is part of God’s plan to finish history and move us into eternity. He is in control; I can trust Him.
This perspective is found throughout Scripture. Colossians 3:2-4 expresses it well: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” This gives us the wider, God-focused perspective.
“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” We can leave behind our old culturally-based, performance-oriented, comfort-focused value system. Instead we can choose to rest in the security we have in Christ.
“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” He WILL appear, and He WILL bring us with Him, and He WILL give us a place in His glory—we can focus on this long-term truth rather than our short-term accomplishments or failures!
This understanding gives us a wide and long view of what’s happening. This view can change our goal from being comfortable and safe, to joining God in what He’s doing, to embracing the adventures He’s prepared for us.
If, from a human perspective, my whole life collapses around me (illness, accident, loss, poverty, persecution, injustice, war), I can look at it within the bigger picture of God’s glory, greatness and grace, knowing that He is doing something significant through it; therefore, I can praise and trust Him in it. My favorite verse sums it up: “My soul finds rest in God alone” (Ps. 62:1).
This is a huge shift from “normal” human thinking. And we can cooperate with God in making this shift by internalizing Scripture, then putting it into practice in little every day events. Disappointments, delays, little hurts and small losses then all become opportunities to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50:23) and honor God.
In giving thanks, we affirm that God is good, that God is in control, that God is at work using each irritation to expose my sin, to transform me, to give me opportunity to be a light to those around me, to give Him glory before the unseen hosts. Truly, knowing Jesus is enough for joy, period! Let’s join Him today in living in this truth!

Psalm 36:1,2

Psalm 36:1 “An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.”
[Fear of God means, among other things, to care deeply what God has to say. This then leads to obeying Him. In the words of Psalm 34,13,14, fearing God means to “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Depart from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.” The practical outworking of valuing His Word.
In contrast, the wicked person elevates his own intellect above God’s Word, deciding what is right and wrong himself—a dangerous and destructive practice, for we were created to follow God’s definition of what is right and wrong, and thereby be protected from much harm.]
Psalm 36:2 “For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin.”
[Two acquaintances of mine died within the last two weeks. Both of them had heard the gospel from me and others multiple times, but both felt they were just fine on their own. One said, “My conscience is clear.” That can only be so if you have very low standards of right and wrong.
This reminds me of the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18-21, who came to Jesus and asked, “What must I do to obtain eternal life?”
Jesus answered, “You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’
“All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.
What!!!??? Who is he kidding? He thinks he never lied, never was disobedient to his parents (dishonoring them), never looked at a woman with lust, never stole anything? In order to convince himself of this, he had to have really low standards, rejecting God’s standards for his own to justify himself. No fear of God here.
The reality is that every single person is guilty before God when measured by God’s holy standards. To flatter ourselves by thinking we are fine on our own has only one result: entering an eternity without God, separated from all good forever.
How much better it is to lay aside our pride and self-centered thoughts, bowing to God’s beautiful and protective ways, living in the light of His Word, in the warmth of His love and receiving true life, eternal life.
For those who have not yet bowed their knee to Christ and for those of us who have, to be teachable, humble, and fear God is to be wise, and leads only to what is good. Let’s all cultivate our fearing of God. Memorizing and frequently praying Psalm 34:12-14 would be a good start.]

Lifting My Soul To God

Today is an example of “lifting my soul” during the ongoing team conflict that occurred several years ago, which I mentioned a few days earlier. Lifting our souls (telling God what we are thinking, feeling, wanting and measuring these against God’s character) is the way to get things out, to give ourselves perspective, to remember who the real enemy is and to seek God’s help.
Had trouble getting to sleep: was cold, had to go to the bathroom several times, so was awake often, struggling with negative thoughts about the team’s conflicts.
Praise you, Lord Jesus, that in the midst of this turmoil, you led me to think about you and how incredibly powerful and wise and faithful you are.
You are the star breather, the One who arranged them into galaxies, who put our solar system in just the right place so we can observe the universe, who hung the earth on nothing, who put it in just the right orbit at the perfect speed, who tilted its axis and spun it perfectly so each day and night are of optimal length. You set each condition of the solar system exactly right so that carbon-based life could exist on earth. Praise you for you great wisdom and power displayed in that.
So it is with our lives: in your mighty power, your deep wisdom, your gracious love you bring to us what you will use for good. This present painful situation, these messy and hurtful circumstances have come with your permission and you are using them to develop us leaders and give opportunity to develop our followers.
Lord, help us to let go of our feelings of failure and frustration, and instead to stand firm in Truth, such as, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various trials, knowing this, that the trying of our faith works patience. And let patience have its perfect work that we may be perfect and mature” (James 1:2,3).
Help us to swim in your Truth, Lord, letting you carry us along in the right direction. Help us to reject despair, feeling sorry for ourselves, to reject the embarrassment of failure along with our weariness and to instead embrace what you bring through our offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Help us to thereby honor you and open the way so that you can show us the salvation of the Lord.
I thank you now for what you will do with this mess, for how you will work in and through it to bring growth, transformation and deepening for us as leaders so that you can bring the same thing to all involved in the midst of this situation.
I praise you in faith, Lord God, our Great Shepherd, our Glorious Transformer, our Wonderful King. As you used the sins of Joseph’s brothers to provide a way of salvation for the Jews, so you can use the sins in this situation to bring about good and progress for us all.
Do that Lord, move in your might, defeat the plans of the enemy, bring glory to yourself. Answer us out of your faithfulness, your righteousness, your goodness and your power. Answer to bring glory to your name, honor through your might and maturity to your children. I praise you now for the answers you will send. Amen.
Epilogue: God did not resolve the situation as I desired, but He did answer to deepen and mature us through it all.

Conformed to Christ

I praise you, Lord God, for your great Love, your persistent Faithfulness, your mighty Power, your wide Wisdom, your deep Knowledge, your pure Righteousness, your perpetural Perfection.
You are the One I can trust today, the One who rules every day, who rights, who redeems, who restores, who reigns in every circumstance. You are God, you are Great, you are Glorious and you are Gracious.
I commit to praise you with all my heart, with all my being, all the time. I choose to embrace what you bring, what you reveal, what you allow. I thank you for my failures which point me away from myself to you, breaking me of self-reliance, of pride, of independence, of selfishness.
Thank you for your very specific working in my life, your personal, careful, exact plan to fashion me more into the image of Christ. While I do not like such breaking, I love the outcome of seeing you more, of worshiping you better by faith, of growing in trust, of seeing your great power at work.
In thinking about my inability to bring a good resolution to the team conflict mentioned earlier, you used my failure to reveal my unhealthy desire for success and praise, my pride, my selfishness, my wanting a specific time table.
Well, all that cannot be changed now, but I can repent, change and grow through it all, To you be glory in it, Lord. I see right now that this failure is a blotch on your name, but you can turn it into a positive as you desire.
Thank you for helping me to recognize my weakness, my smallness, and to see more clearly your greatness and power. It is such a wonderful thing to be your child, to be your servant, Lord, to join you in what you are doing. Help me, help all of us to be humble, to discern what you are doing and to join you in it.

A Poem of Worship

Here’s a poem of worship, flowing from meditation on Psalms 62:1 and 73:25. May it encourage you as it did me.
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Stars’ Creator
Day’s Designer
Life’s Sustainer
History’s Ender
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Creation’s Redeemer
Sinners’ Savior
Hearts’ Transformer
Mansions’ Maker
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Strong Shepherd
Living Bread
Church’s Head
Judge of all dead
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Day Giver
Need Provider
Spirit Refresher
Soul Purifier
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Heart Pursuer
Spirit Lifter
Soul Lover
Heaven Bringer
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Worthy of Praise
You Ancient of Days
Your name we raise
In endless praise.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!
Whom have I
in heaven but you?
And Earth has nothing
I desire besides You.
Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy, Period!