Provision Personified

Provision Personified

Praise be to you, O triune God, our Heavenly Father, our Shepherd Lord Jesus and our Teacher Holy Spirit. We thank you for how you watch over us, bringing what is good for growth, helpful for healing, strengthening for our souls and moving us towards maturity.

You are the wise One, knowing every factor in the equation of this day, every possible decision, every impending danger, every good solution, every opportunity for worship and witness. And you will guide us into the best, if we are willing to listen.

You, Lord God, are wonderful in your ways, you are powerful in your provision, you are gracious in your giving and present with your protection. You are worthy of worship, deserving of praise, entitled to obedience.

May we daily live in the light of your presence, wholeheartedly joining you in your great and graceful plans for this day, playing the significant role you have prepared, that we might bring you more glory, see more people prepared to enter the Kingdom and to build up the faith of believers around us.

May we be carriers of hope, springs of faith and rivers of grace to all around us. To you be glory and praise in all, for you, Lord Jesus, are worthy.